(no subject)

Mar 07, 2005 22:38

BASICS (this one's a given)

1. Given name: tara marie

2. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake (age): 18

3. Date that you regularly blow them out (birthday): december 16th

4. Nationality: irish & german

5. Astrological Sign: sagg.

6. Relationship Status (Single? Married? Dating?): single but kinda attached?

7. Height: 5'7

8. Weight: enough

9. Hair Colour/Length: dirty strawberry blonde, kinda to my chest

10. Eye Colour: depends. brown

11. Ethnic Descent: irish/german/polish/italian/english/hungarian

12. At what time were you born? (ask your mother): 8:13

13. How long was your mother in labour?: lol uhmmm dont know

14. Are your parents divorced? nope

15. Are you in school/working? if so, where? Both, LHS, mercer, chilis, acting class @ mercer

16. Father's name/occupation: bill/inspector of some sort @ the DOT

17. Mother's name/occupation: debby/special education

18. Sibblings (include their ages): none

19. Pets (include animal type and breed): baily - bichon ; macy - standard poodle ; sassy - miniature poodle ; rupert - fish

20. Living Situation (Alone? With Parents? How much is your rent?): with the rents

21. Complexion (Fair, Medium, Dark)? fair

22. Do/did you suffer from Acne? (if so, what treatments have worked?): nahh none


23. Favourite Films (list a minimum of 3): the saw ; girl, interrupted ; south park

24. Favourite T.V shows (list 3): family guy, south park, 90210

25. Favourite Drinks (list 3): diet pepsi, water, OJ

26. Favourite Ethnic Food (Don't just put down "Chinese".. what specifically..): sushi, or generals chicken

27. Favourite Snack Items (list 3): cheese poofs all the way

28. Favourite Books (include authors): RIGHT this second im reading practical magic by alice hoffman which is simply amazing

29. Favourite Musical Artists (list 3): Taking back sunday, ryan cabrera, coheed and cambria

30. Favourite Drawing Medium (ie. Pencil, Pastels, Conte, Charcoal): pencil

31. Favourite Cereals (list 2): rasin bran, chex


32. Early Morning Rituals (list 3 ie. cartoons that you watch, bathroom routines): breakfast, shower, blow dry hair, get dressed, do make up, drive to school

33. Are you often rushed? (if so, why? ie. sleeping in): Yes cause i cant get out of bed

34. What stresses you out? (ie. deadlines, parents): dreading work ; scared of grade

35. Do you get dressed before or after breakfast? after

36. Name your means of transportation (ie. Public, Parents, Personal Vehicle): my 1999 hyundai sonata aka mi casa

37. Have you a license? (if so, any infractions? speeding tickets? accidents?): yes. 2 accident, 1 speeding ticket

38. What is your typical lunch consist? whatever i was at wawa?

39. Where do you eat it (in the cafeteria? at a local diner? at your desk?): car

40. Early Evening Rituals (list 3): internet, write, read

41. What is your regular bedtime? (estimate): somewhere between 11 and 1am

42. Do you eat dinner as a family? (if so, what is conversation like?): oh yes. typical family dinner. i dont know usuaully dad babbles about work

43. What is your typical dinner? Who prepares it?: uhmm it can be anything. my mommy does it. lol

44. Are you household chore enabled? (ie. can you sew, cook, do your laundry?): yeah.

45. How often does your room get cleaned? (thoroughly): ehh once a week maybe


46. Describe the decor (is it trendy? expensive? modern? teeny bopper?): its uhmm alternative

47. Do you hide things underneath your mattress? my drawers for my bedding are under my bed, so no

48. Do people (ie. parents, sibblings, roomies) invade your personal space? If so, how does this effect your day-to-day life?: usually just my mom

49. Are you a pack rat? (if so, list some of the strangest things that you've kept?): nahh i throw shit out

50. List 3 of your favourite shops: rampage, macys, barnes and nobles

51. What deternines your purchases (popularity? quality? price? all of the above?): price and how much i want it


52. Favourite Childhood Foods (list 3): TV dinners, spaghetti O's and ice cream

53. Favourite Childhood Books (list 3): dr seuss

54. Favourite Childhood Shows (list 3): charlie brown, rugrats, doug

55. Favourite Childhood Toys (list 3): teddy rugspin, glow worm, my bike

56. Favourite Childhood Animal: dog

57. Favourite Childhood Colour: blue

58. What was your dress style like? i was a tomboy HAHA thats kinda funny.

59. Worst trends you succumbed to (list 2): ...? i dont know

60. First word (ask your parents if you don't know): i dont know

61. Did you go to summer camp? Were you in any clubs? (ie. Guides/Scouts): i did EVERYTHING. i was camperof the year 2 years in a row. i was big into gymnastics though.

62. What was your social standing? (ie. geek, loner, nerd, jock, preppy): i was pretty populkar in thoes years untill i turned 12. all hell broke loose

63. If you could go back in time, what would you change about your childhood? (realistic responces only): the way i saw myself


64. Do you see yourself as "troublesome"? (in reguards to the image that teens have with adults): lol i was my mother nightmare, but over all i really wasnt THAT bad.

If not, what makes you "respectable"? If so, why?: im not a slut, im not a DRUG ADDICT, but i smoke cigerets, i drink occasionally, and im not a virgin, but thats not really my fault entirely.

65. How have you evolved in the last couple of years?: i morphed into something that resembles something like a women.

66. List some major milestones of this time (ie. first kiss, loss of virginity, graduation, first car): everytying from my first kiss to losing my virginity, having jobs, exc.

67. Any Piercings? Tatts? (henna included) If so, where and what of: my ears, getting my belly button and hopefully my eyebrow pierced and getting 2 tattos, one on my hip bone the other on my lower back.

68. Did it hurt as much as you had anticipated? (piercings, tatts, for girls; loss of virginity): No

69. Do you smoke? drink (alchohol, coffee), do drugs?: i smoke. i'll drink. and i've done drugs. but drugs and drinking are not habits.

70. Do you struggle with self-esteem? If so, what are your insurmountable flaws?: definitely. yeah. thinking im not good enough, that nothing i do is good enougfh and i dont deserve to live.

71. Girls; When was your first period? (How old were you) Were you foolish enough to wish you had had it and now that you've got it, you can't wait for monopause?: I was in 4th grade and i hid it from my mom for about a year and a half. i was really embarissed actually.

Guys; Do you respect femininity and all that it entails (menstruation, childbirth, Estrogen)?: --

72. If you're sexually active, what is your main form of birth control? Were you parents supportive? Do they know?: i use condoms. next time i decide to have sex im telling my mom and she said we'd goto the gyno and get B.C. and such. she is really suppotive, but due to certain circumstances of how it all started... i couldnt tell her. too much would be involved and i dont want to get into it. its not worth it to me.

If not, what are your views on sex? are you waiting for marriage? i believe you should atleast genuinly care about the person, and love them in some sence. maybe not be hopelessly in love with them but, ya know. i used to not care, but that was because what happened to me, i had to think that way to try and stay saine i guess.

73. Girls; if you unexpectedly got pregnant, what would you do? (ie. abortion, adoption, ... parenthood).. Would you decision be based upon whats best for the baby .. or yourself?: i'd get an abortion. no questions asked. i could never be suited to be a mother. plus in this point in time, i would probably die in child birth. i already had this conversation with my doctor.

Guys; If you're girlfriend got pregnant, how would your react? (Happy but Scared? Supportive? Or would you leave her to raise the child by herself?): --

74. Future Daughters' Name/Sons' Name: girl - baily; boy - justin or dylan

75. Are you pro-choice? if so/not, why?: fuck yeah. because its my body. fuck you if you think u can tell me what to do with it and what it makes. what if i told you you couldnt take a shit? your body makes that when you eat. would you stop eating? thats my answer :)

76. Are you homophobic (anti-gay)?: homophobes should fall off the planet <-- agreed with sam. i have wayy too many cool gay friends for that bull

77. Have you experimented with members of the same sex? not really.


S.O = Signicant Other
78. What are the 3 most important traits that you seek in a friend/S.O?: caring, understanding, enthrallment (YES ITS A FUCKING TRAIT SHUT UP)

79. Do you and your friends/S.O have similar interests? obviously

80. Have you been engaged/married? LMAO LMAO frank thought we were going to get married HAHA then again so did mike HAHAHA... no. i would shoot myself first

81. Who knows you better, your best friend or boyfriend/girlfriend? my boyfriend is my male best friend. all together my best friends though. alisha knows me better then ANYONE on this earth... after 15 years she doesnt even have to second guess. even eden...

82. What has been your longest friendship/relationship? (in terms of mos/years): 2 and 1/2 years

83. Are you a gossip? sometimes

84. Are you polygamous? no

You're almost there....

85. Ideal career?: performing artist or music therapist

86. Ideal Place of Residancy? (ie. A cottage in the woods, an appartment in the city): a nice cottage in florida and a nice appartment in NYC or phili

87. Want kids? how many?: 2 one born one adopted

88. What are you doing now in order to obtain these goals? music classes.

89. Do you think you'll age well (parents are a pretty good indication)? Are you scared of aging?: ehh i dont worry.

90. Are you scared of death? How do you cope with that fear (ie. religion?): im not scared of it but i dont wish for it either

Ten more to go...

91. Own a website? What is the content like? (list the address): uhmm i have myspace and livejournal lmao

92. Any collections? music and books

93. Worst fears: rejection, isolation, hospitals and snakes

94. Are you a pretty good judge of character? (reffer to your past track record for an answer): lol sometimes

95. MSN/AIM/YAHOO/ICQ NAME: xvintagepixie

96. Main source of news (paper, T.V, radio)?: TV, magazines, newspaper, gossip, my daddyy

97. Do you keep up with current events? (beyond who Britney Spears is dating): usually

98. What causes do you advocate? (ie. P.E.T.A, Greenpeace, Woman's Rights, Gay Rights): uhmm gay rights, womens rights, eating disorder awareness, diabetes foundation. (is this the answer your looking for?)

99. How long has this survey taken you? (guess): 20 minutes?

100. Any comments?: im rather bored *sighhhhh*
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