the unofficial first entry in my college journal.
today, i received notice that my new home from september through june has been assigned to me along with a roommate. i will be residing in willard residential college where i hope i won't have to be involved in too many boring group activities, and i also hope its not cult-ish. that would suck. when i was about to open the email, i attempted to rack my brain for the choices i had made for where i wanted to live and i honestly couldnt remember any of them. so once i saw where i was staying i looked up a picture and i realized why i put willard on my list: besides being the name of a story about rats (which im pretty sure is where the place gets its name from, pretty sure) the building had lots of ivy, which is rather sweet. maybe it was my inner desire to be attending an ivy league school or just my overall love of freely growing vegetation that made me choose willard, but either way, it looks kinda cool.
i looked up my roommate too. he seems ok. shit music taste tho. but all can be dealt with.
and i saw another picture of willard sans ivy.....i hope there's ivy.