Jan 17, 2004 22:55
the mere thought of my job makes me ill. i really do hate that place. i feel a 2 weeks notice ensuing in the very near future.
today at work this woman who was the mother of one of the girls at the party called me "mamala". the situation went like this: she thoguht i was cleaning up her paints and what not, and she goes "oh one minute, im almost finished MAMALA"
this was followed with a confused look on my face, and slowly backing away, b/c quite frankly i was a bit frightened.
my mom made me practice driving for 30 minutes. ugh. she actually wanted me to go on commercial. commercial! what is she crazy. she obviously has some sort of death wish if she wants me to take both our lives in a vehicle on a major road. crazy woman. i kept to my domestic roads.
i have to edits from yesterdays entry.
1- i forgot that i was suppose to stop drinking soda, and i had that damn bottle of jones. arrrg.
2- i really need to bring my water gun around w/ me. patti, we could have gotten those stupid jits at the playground!
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Ryan i think you should come visit me at work so that i wont kill myself. scratch that-kill the people i work for.