Aug 01, 2004 20:03
i'm in the middle of cleaning my room. i'm not sure why i started. most of it is going through old papers. i can officially throw away just about all of my high school papers. how fun. i've also been procrastinating on emptying my trashcan, and that was not fun because something was growing in it, more specifically, maggots.
well the weather has been crappy today. it storms a lot. maybe it really is the end of the world through global warming. last night i saw the scariest cloud ever. it was a giant lightning cloud. well i'm not really sure what it was, but it was a cloud, and it was incessantly producing scary lightning. and attempts to capture it by way of digital camera failed.
frankie will be calling soon and i still need to vaccuum.
i figured if i started cleaning everything, it will be easier to figure out what i want to move out to my dorm and stuff. and it looks better and i like it better when cleaned.
i move to my dorm august 28th. that's 27 more days. 4 weeks. how exciting.
vaccuum! i need to vaccuum!
blahhh. things are going smoothly for now.
i'm scared that when school starts up, i won't get to see my frankie that much. i think i thought the same thing last year, but somehow we managed through it all. but i tend to have a short term memory when it comes to those things, and i don't remember then. i just know that now i'm nervous, since he works such late hours and all. i probably won't get to see him after work during the week cuz it will be so late. i wish there was a better job for him.
blahhh. i'm done for now.