The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! Created by
-ambiguous and taken 24726 times on
bzoink!What is your favorite..gumFreedentrestaurantUh.Red lobsterdrinkDr.pepperseasonWINTER AND FALL no summer not tooo muchtype of weathernormalemotionhappything to do on a half daysleeplate-night activitySEX...haha jp i mean watch moviessportgamecube?citycalforniastoresuncoastWhen was the last time you..criedlike last monthplayed a sportlast yearlaughedtodayhugged someoneyesterdaykissed someoneyesterdayfelt depressedneverererrerereerfelt elatedhmmm...felt overworkeda couple weeks agofaked sicklast weekliedtwo days ago....that was a lie...What was the last..word you saidfuck i didnt go to school?thing you atepopcornsong you listened tokaty rose overdrivething you drankdr.pepperplace you went tomy bedmovie you sawmean girlsmovie you rentedpokemon? (a long time ago)concert you attendednone...i know its sad but i never did?Who was the last person you..huggedcarminecried overcarminekissedcarminedanced withmy catshared a secret withmy cathad a sleepover withMY CAT..i mean candicecalledcandicewent to a movie withcarminesawcarminewere angry withkristincouldn't take your eyes off ofCARMINEobsessed overcarmine ^_^Have you ever..danced in the rainyeskissed someoneyes :Ddone drugsWHERESMYCRACK.....i mean nodrank alcoholKADHGA once or twiceslept aroundyes i was sleeping before...HAHA no ew wtf neverpartied 'til the sun came upyeshad a movie marathonmany timesgone too far on a dareyeah but not perverted ones that *ahem* some people dospun until you were immensely dizzyyestaken a survey quite like this beforestfu
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