Jan 19, 2005 22:32
so i really dont know whats going on with spring break anymore i havent gotten an answer from luke in awhile... he dissappeared, and yes i cant spell... tonight me and steve were talking bout what its gonna be like when i go to college and how we are gonna this is a direct qoute from him.. "keep in touch" thanks steve that was nice of you glad that ive spent 11 months with you and that we'll keep in touch.. i know we arent going to stay together but i thought that 11 months would maybe entitle us to a lilttle more than lets keep in touch... cause everyone says that.. and they all also say that they will come visit lets see its 2nd semester and the only times ive seen my friends that are in college is when they come home, so yes steve lets keep in touch.... well i normally dont write this stuff in here but its bothering me and i didnt know what else to say so uh yes that is all for now i am done with my physics final bye bye mrs mcclure i will not be seeing you again! and i dont think i failed the final either which is good news.... uhh ok thats enough... bye