Dec 24, 2004 21:42
so it is xmas eve and there is no snow... BUT it is definately cold enough out for there to be snow.. 6 degrees i believe qualifies?! hmm so i havent written in awhile but theres not much to say cept i wish i was in warm weather? in a few days a year ago i was in az and mexico with jaclyn and it was frickin awesome. so yesterday the fords came over.. we had LOTS of pizza yummy and really good cake and hmm i dunno me and jaclyn just sat around and watched VH1... well hm i dunno i guess i dont have much to say kinda bored but its xmas eve. i remember when i was younger and i had to be in bed like an hour ago because santa had to come... i miss believing in santa.. its not as fun anymore. not that i want to be the only senior in high school who still thinks santa is real. anyways when i was little i remember worrying that when i was older and had my own kids i wouldnt know if santa was real or not and that if i still thought he was real and he wasnt that my kids wouldnt have any presents from him because i wouldnt have known that i had to pretend to be santa claus, wouldnt that be sad though?? yea i dunno i dont have anythign else to say!
and prob merry christmas too because i most likely wont write tomorrow?