I'm a n00b

Jul 02, 2005 09:59

001.What do you like to be called? rooster
002.How old are you? 18
003.Chick or Dude? chick
004.Whats your location? boston, MA....at the moment
005.Tell us something about yourself. graduated from the first charter school in massachusetts after being completly active- meaning in student council in city hall- for ten years...
006.Sexual prefrence?: straight
007.Dating Status?: taken- my love, topher

What do you think about…?
008.Country Music: its and aquired taste- my mom is from the west...
009.Love: is everything
010.Chicken: are awesome- roosters are the shit
011.Arranged Marriages: marriage is for love. you can't arrange love, it just happens
012.Drugs:if you want to fuck with your brain and loose everyone you love- go for it
013.Organized Religion: to each their own
014.Sex:protected and with the one you love.
015.Low-Carb Craze/Atkins Diet:to each their own.
016.Same-Sex Marriages: marriage is about love- repetitive i know...but who cares whats in your pants...marriage just bounds you together by law- sharing everything. so what if you have the same sex organs...what does that have to do with anything???

What is/are your favorite
017.Band/Singer?(list at least 7) the killers, the kids, tbs, heather hates you, dispatch, soty, the juliana theory
018.Soda/Pop?soda...and diet pepsi any flavor
019.Color? blue and orange
020.Book? the perks of being a wallflower and of course the entire harry potter series
021.Movie? anything with ewan mcgregor....however at the moment spanglish is in the top spot.

Other Stuff
022.What turns you on? when guys get really mad...like when their hair won't do something they want or something- like pissed at something erally little, guys are so hot when they are aggravated.
023.Off? when they take their anger to a physical level towards another person.
024.Your greatest achievement? going to belize for ten days and working in the rainforest. fuckin amazing.
025.What is your biggest fault? my insecurities
026.If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? And who would you spend it with? i would take a boat to the middle of the ocean with topher and dance the day on the ocean
027.A magical guy grants you one wish; what is it(And no, i wish for a million more wishes; or anything like that)? to be happy.
028. Has no question! Tell us what happend to it! (Be Creative.) apparently some evil leprechan decided that the lawn gnomes were getting too much attention so he decided to steal one question from every survey to get the attention back on him. unfortunatly the surveryers realized this and instead of visiting this leprechaun, they made up and open ended question and went about their business.
029.What do you do in your spare time?(video games,sports; tell us which ones or something else about what you do)
longboard, work, draw, work, get inked, work, love, work.

030.How are you feeling right now? conent and sore- just got inked last night.
031.What are you wearing? pjs- superman pants and a tank.
032.Are you listening to anything; and what? story of the year

Choose One!
033.Pen or Pencil? pencil- mistakes must be made so you can learnt to correct them
034.Day or Night? both, every moment is worth loving.
035.Dogs or Cats? both. i have a german shepard and two cats, a ferret and four fish and two frogs and a hermit crab.... :-D
036.Rain or Shine?Both! i love it when it rains when its sunny out...PUDDLE JUMPING!
037.T.V or Computer? computer. i never watch tv.
038.Swimming or Skiing/Snowboarding? both.

039.Make us laugh: i have a cock and pussy on my arms...

One More..!
040.So tell us why you think you're worthy: i'm 18, tomboy all my life, madly in love and i work my ass off. i think i deserve something.

[Place YOUR Picture here]-This is mandatory.

me right before i cut of 27inches of hair to give to locks of love.

my tats...scottish lion for perservearnce- i was accepted to a school in scotland when i was 16 but due to certain circumstances i couldn't go. i got this done so i remind myself never to give up and i will eventually get to scotland. and my rooster- nickname and roosters mean good luck.
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