I'm a n00b.

Jun 27, 2005 21:43

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Re: NO downtheavenue June 30 2005, 10:28:37 UTC

many people start off using the innocent drugs (ie. Marijuana) and then move onto 'better' things
Marijuana is a gateway drug because of vague social factors, not exact neurological factors. The connection is a weak one at best. It's like saying, "Suzy was interested in tap-dancing, but now she's really into acting and theater."

Again from Hager's report:
3. Marijuana is a "gateway" drug-it leads to hard drugs
This is one of the more persistent myths. A real world example of what happens when marijuana is readily available can be found in Holland. The Dutch partially legalized marijuana in the 1970s. Since then, hard drug use-heroin and cocaine-have DECLINED substantially. If marijuana really were a gateway drug, one would have expected use of hard drugs to have gone up, not down. This apparent "negative gateway" effect has also been observed in the United States. Studies done in the early 1970s showed a negative correlation between use of marijuana and use of alcohol. A 1993 Rand Corporation study that compared drug use in states that had decriminalized marijuana versus those that had not, found that where marijuana was more available-the states that had decriminalized-hard drug abuse as measured by emergency room episodes decreased. In short, what science and actual experience tell us is that marijuana tends to substitute for the much more dangerous hard drugs like alcohol, cocaine, and heroin.

...And, um, hey... did you actually read the link you gave me? 'Cos it's arguing in my favor.


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