001.What do you like to be called: Matt
002.How old are you: 14, don't complain.
003.Chick or Dude: Dude
004.Whats your location: Rhode Island
005.Tell us something about yourself: I'm a muscician, a writer, and am a good person to talk to.
006.Sexual prefrence?: Bi
007.Dating Status?: No relationships for a while.
What do you think about…?
008.Country Music: It's music, therfore it must be appreciated...I do not enjoy it too much, but i don't hate it.
009.Love: An ever changing force, it can make your day or break it. It is usually a lie, but on occasion true.
010.Chicken: It is good for din din...not every night. It is a pain to cook though >_>.
011.Arranged Marriages: I have nothing against them and nothing really to say about them.
012.Drugs: For medicational purposes they are fine (expensive though) otherwise they have become a problem. I used to do them, and they messed me up pretty good.
013.Organized Religion: I don't really follow and relgion, i don't have anyhting against it really. I just think it has caused too many problems throughout the ages.
014.Sex: Its good what can I say? As long as you don't complain when you get the person pregnant because it is usually your fault.
015.Low-Carb Craze/Atkins Diet: I don't need to worry about diets...but people should rather do exercise rather than stuffing their faces with steak and bacon.
016.Same-Sex Marriages: Nothing against them. It is no different from a straight marriage. Straight marriages may even cause more problems. But then religion and government comes into play and all these restrictions. It has gotton out of hand.
What is/are your favorite
017.Band/Singer?(list at least 7): Within Temptation, Lacuna Coil, Mindless Self Indulgence, Oghr, Orgy, Nightwish, Mudvayne, Dune ect.
018.Soda/Pop? Rootbeer
019.Color? Black with red, blue, neon green or grey.
020.Book? Hmmm...Ack...So many >_> I can't tell ya.
021.Movie? Meh...Constantine was good.
Other Stuff
022.What turns you on? Intellegence, submissiveness, girly guys and masculine girls, abs, muscles, sex must be good, goths.
023.Off? Stupidity, immaturity, metro guys, preppy people.
024.Your greatest achievement? Living...and I guess making myself who I am today.
025.What is your biggest fault? Living, and making myself who i am today. (Yes it is the same as the last question, if you have a mind you'll understand)
026.If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? And who would you spend it with? Depends on my mood. I'd either just stay in my room and think. Have an orgy. Or...-Shrug- Live my life as I normally should.
027.A magical guy grants you one wish; what is it(And no, i wish for a million more wishes; or anything like that)? Make the town of Okeechobee be really really close (All of my friends live there and unfortunalely that is all the was in Florida (I live in R.I))
028. Has no question! Tell us what happend to it! (Be Creative.) I was playing my guitar and somehow a certain chord messed with my computer and took away question 28?
029.What do you do in your spare time?(video games,sports; tell us which ones or something else about what you do): I play my instraments (Guitar, bass, piano, alto and tenor sax, sometimes drums), write music, write poetry, write books, sing, talk to people online, talk on the phone, have someone over if I'm in the mood. Draw. ect.
030.How are you feeling right now? Bored, thus my reason for doing this.
031.What are you wearing? Black and Red Tripp pants, black boxers, eyeliner, and my hat...no shirt.
032.Are you listening to anything; and what? Mindless Self Indulgence: Shut Me Up
Choose One!
033.Pen or Pencil? Pencil, erasers rock.
034.Day or Night? Night, good time for walks.
035.Dogs or Cats? Cats, I have 3.
036.Rain or Shine? Rain, I like to be 8 again and jump in the puddles...and making out is so fun in the rain.
037.T.V or Computer? Computer, more things to do/
038.Swimming or Skiing/Snowboarding? Skiing/Snowboarding. I <3 to ski and snowboard...swimming is fun too.
039.Make us laugh:
Sorry if this is long...
This kid IMed me on another screen name, and I like to torture dumb people...and this is just hilarious.
xSxTxOxIxCx: Hey.
Motherfan29: who is this
xSxTxOxIxCx: You imed me on another screen name today i think.
Motherfan29: ummmm
Motherfan29: what other s/n was that?
xSxTxOxIxCx: mattcatt92590
Motherfan29: ohhhhhhh
Motherfan29: I IMed you yesterday
Motherfan29: at about 5 in the morning
Motherfan29: lol
xSxTxOxIxCx: wow.
xSxTxOxIxCx: And you would be?
Motherfan29: my name is Ross
Motherfan29: how old RU?
xSxTxOxIxCx: First name or last?
Motherfan29: 1st
xSxTxOxIxCx: Oh, faninating
xSxTxOxIxCx: How old are you?
xSxTxOxIxCx: Considering you IMed me.
Motherfan29: im 16
Motherfan29: U?
xSxTxOxIxCx: I'm 29
Motherfan29: wow
xSxTxOxIxCx: Wait...
xSxTxOxIxCx: No...
xSxTxOxIxCx: 14
xSxTxOxIxCx: Sorry
Motherfan29: lol
xSxTxOxIxCx: haha?
xSxTxOxIxCx: yeah 92590 should have given that away.
Motherfan29: whats that
Motherfan29: your
Motherfan29: birth day
Motherfan29: ?
xSxTxOxIxCx: yes
xSxTxOxIxCx: it
xSxTxOxIxCx: was
Motherfan29: cool
xSxTxOxIxCx: I was just making fun of you in 2 different ways but...oh well.
Motherfan29: how?
xSxTxOxIxCx: Ignore me, i'm mean to people who 1) type horribly 2) I.Q is lower than room temperature 3) IM me for no apparent reason.
Motherfan29: well if you didnt want people ti IM you for no apparent reason why did you but your profile on member directory?
Motherfan29: to*
Motherfan29: put*
Motherfan29: srry
xSxTxOxIxCx: Hah, that was like from 2 years ago.
Motherfan29: o
Motherfan29: I C
xSxTxOxIxCx: I neveruse that screen name, only for E-mails from lj
Motherfan29: ok
xSxTxOxIxCx: Right.
Motherfan29: so
Motherfan29: ....
Motherfan29: what kinda things U like
Motherfan29: ?
xSxTxOxIxCx: Stuff.
Motherfan29: stuff as in
Motherfan29: what
Motherfan29: the magazine
Motherfan29: lol
xSxTxOxIxCx: uh huh...
Motherfan29: oOoOoOkKkKkKkKkKK
Motherfan29: you like video games?
xSxTxOxIxCx: No, I like sex
Motherfan29: . . .
xSxTxOxIxCx: Yes, sex. Do you know what sex it?
xSxTxOxIxCx: is*
Motherfan29: of course I know what that is
Motherfan29: Im 16
Motherfan29: I learned about years back
xSxTxOxIxCx: I was being sarcasmtic
xSxTxOxIxCx: sarcastic
xSxTxOxIxCx: Eh
xSxTxOxIxCx: I can't spell because it is raining out
Motherfan29: it was just hailing here
Motherfan29: and raining
xSxTxOxIxCx: Yeah
xSxTxOxIxCx: That too
xSxTxOxIxCx: Ew, do you live near me?
Motherfan29: IDK
Motherfan29: where do you live
Motherfan29: ?
xSxTxOxIxCx: R.I
Motherfan29: then no
Motherfan29: I live in
Motherfan29: N.J.
Motherfan29: but the storm over here
Motherfan29: couldve just moved
Motherfan29: to where you live
xSxTxOxIxCx: Nope sorry.
xSxTxOxIxCx: And please type in one message
xSxTxOxIxCx: not
xSxTxOxIxCx: like
xSxTxOxIxCx: this
Motherfan29: srry
Motherfan29: i always type like that
Motherfan29: its a habit
xSxTxOxIxCx: No
xSxTxOxIxCx: It's stupidity
xSxTxOxIxCx: and annoying
xSxTxOxIxCx: crap
xSxTxOxIxCx: im doing
xSxTxOxIxCx: it now
xSxTxOxIxCx: Or did i do that on purpose
xSxTxOxIxCx: -Shrug-
Motherfan29: U tell me?
xSxTxOxIxCx: Nah.
Motherfan29: w/e
xSxTxOxIxCx: Whatever* type your age.
Motherfan29: sixteen
xSxTxOxIxCx: Wow
Motherfan29: what
xSxTxOxIxCx: What color is your hair?
Motherfan29: Very Dark Brown
Motherfan29: looks like
Motherfan29: black
Motherfan29: but its not
xSxTxOxIxCx: Dye it blonde
Motherfan29: I wis thinkin of doing that
xSxTxOxIxCx: Suprising.
Motherfan29: why do you want me to dye it blond anyway
Motherfan29: blonde*
xSxTxOxIxCx: My point right there.
Motherfan29: oh I et it
Motherfan29: get*
Motherfan29: I type to fast
Motherfan29: doesnt mean Im stupid
xSxTxOxIxCx: No, but that was.
xSxTxOxIxCx: You're funny.
Motherfan29: oOoOoOoKkkKKKkK
xSxTxOxIxCx: Are you a guy?
Motherfan29: yea why
xSxTxOxIxCx: Then don't do that.
Motherfan29: w/e
xSxTxOxIxCx: Oh, wait. Are you metro?
Motherfan29: obviously Im a guy if my name is Ross
Motherfan29: no
xSxTxOxIxCx: Oh, homo?
Motherfan29: no
xSxTxOxIxCx: That's never fun.
Motherfan29: w/e
xSxTxOxIxCx: Dude, you are so cool.
xSxTxOxIxCx: I wish i could be like you.
Motherfan29: no you dont
Motherfan29: my life sucks
xSxTxOxIxCx: You should cut, its fun.
Motherfan29: cut?
Motherfan29: as in?
xSxTxOxIxCx: Wow.
Motherfan29: ???
Motherfan29: ohhh
Motherfan29: n/m
Motherfan29: U still have school?
xSxTxOxIxCx: No.
xSxTxOxIxCx: I am a senior.
xSxTxOxIxCx: I skipped some grades.
xSxTxOxIxCx: I graduated a few days ago.
Motherfan29: ...
xSxTxOxIxCx: I'm going to Burkley
Motherfan29: cool
xSxTxOxIxCx: For music composition
Motherfan29: I play the trumpet
xSxTxOxIxCx: Great
xSxTxOxIxCx: Wherein NJ do you live
Motherfan29: ocean county
xSxTxOxIxCx: Oh i see.
xSxTxOxIxCx: No i don't
xSxTxOxIxCx: But that's okay
xSxTxOxIxCx: What is your I.Q
xSxTxOxIxCx: And/or common scence level?
Motherfan29: last time I checked it was
Motherfan29: 97
Motherfan29: and last time I checked was 5 months ago
xSxTxOxIxCx: Okay. That explains a lot.
Motherfan29: whats your IQ
Motherfan29: ?
xSxTxOxIxCx: 153 out of 160
Motherfan29: I C
Motherfan29: my friend is smarter than
Motherfan29: you
Motherfan29: or so he says
xSxTxOxIxCx: You have friends?
Motherfan29: duh?
Motherfan29: duh*
xSxTxOxIxCx: Oh. So you weren't sure at first.
Motherfan29: I made a mistake
Motherfan29: My friend claims to have an IQ of 275
xSxTxOxIxCx: Out of?
Motherfan29: I dunno
Motherfan29: I think
Motherfan29: 300
xSxTxOxIxCx: Then that's not too special
Motherfan29: I was just guessin
xSxTxOxIxCx: And the I.Q tests out of 300 aren't accurate
Motherfan29: w/e
Motherfan29: well
Motherfan29: he does know alot
Motherfan29: about computers
Motherfan29: my other friends are idiots tho
xSxTxOxIxCx: Heh really.
xSxTxOxIxCx: Your calling someone an idiot
xSxTxOxIxCx: irony.
Motherfan29: w/e
xSxTxOxIxCx: You don't know what irony means do you.
Motherfan29: yes I do
Motherfan29: Im not
Motherfan29: that stupid
xSxTxOxIxCx: mhmm...
xSxTxOxIxCx: Right
Motherfan29: it means how Ironic I call some one stupid when you think that I am the stupid one
xSxTxOxIxCx: Sure.
Motherfan29: sure what?
xSxTxOxIxCx: Just don't say anything, your embarassing yourself even more.
Motherfan29: your the kind of person who thinks they're better than every one else
Motherfan29: I can tell
xSxTxOxIxCx: No you can't.
xSxTxOxIxCx: Because I am not arrogant...you are just....completely stupid.
Motherfan29: w/e
xSxTxOxIxCx: Would you be mad if this was posted all over the internet?
Motherfan29: what this conversation?
xSxTxOxIxCx: -Sigh- What do you think?
Motherfan29: why would you wanna post it up all over the internet?
xSxTxOxIxCx: Because this is the newest internet revelution "PUNK'D; internet mayhem"
Motherfan29: dont you mean
Motherfan29: revolution
xSxTxOxIxCx: No, its copyrighted so we had to spell it differently.
Motherfan29: o
xSxTxOxIxCx: This screenname is actually fake.
xSxTxOxIxCx: And this whole conversation is being recorded and analyzed by our officials.
Motherfan29: . . .
Motherfan29: ok
Motherfan29: meaning your not really smart?
xSxTxOxIxCx: A smart person can pretend to be smart, but a dumb person can't pretend to be smart.
Motherfan29: ok
Motherfan29: g2g
xSxTxOxIxCx: Fun.
Once again. sorry for le longness.
040.So tell us why you think you're worthy: Because I am unique (Even though I may not seem like it ^_^), I am mature for my age, I am a muscian, ummm...this is difficult. I published a book, I write many poems, I help people with problems...
You decide ^_^.
Sorry if i was being arrogant -_-;;
Oh yeah...and pictures.
My cat Sprinkles.
The end.