001.What do you like to be called? Kellie
002.How old are you? 15..and 8 months!!
003.Chick or Dude? chica(chick..)
004.Whats your location? Cincinnati Oh
005.Tell us something about yourself. I'm five feet and 2/3 quarters of an inch and I need a pillow to drive. I love music and I love life.
006.Sexual prefrence?: I'm very comfortable with my sexuality to "flirt" with girls but I'm straight
007.Dating Status?: single
What do you think about…?
008.Country Music: some of it is okay..like..5 songs tops maybe
009.Love: I used to be very pesimistic about love but now I know you need love whether it be friendly love or romantic love.
010.Chicken: OKay funny story time..when I was like nine my best friends dad decided he wanted a chicken and a hen. So they had the two in their backyard and every time I wanted to go over there and swing on thier playset I had to climb the fence cos their latch to the fence door didn't work. So everytime I went over the fence the chicken and hen would rush me and I still have scars on my legs from them..that's why the only meat I eat is chickens cos I hate chickens.
011.Arranged Marriages: well one of my best friends (he's Indian) 's folks were arranged to be married and now they really do love each other and they have a family and all that good stuff so I can't say I'm totally against it, but I think it's kind of strange. I guess it works in some countries..I don't know really..I just know I would hate it.
012.Drugs: Drugs ruin your life but it's up to the person(that sounds so corny!!) but everyone experiments so..
013.Organized Religion: I don't believe in organized religions. I was raised Catholic and the Catholic church says that if you don't go to church each week you're a sinner. Please, if there were a god it wouldn't care how or when you pray to it. I think everyone needs some kind of spirituality in their life but it doesn't have to involve a god. Wicca=praise of the earth. Buddhism=celebraion of ones inner self. Those two religions i really don't have a problem with. Some people enjoy group praise and are comfortable with that, and that is totally cool if they're truly comfortable. But some people just say "oh yeah I go to church every week so I'm not going to hell". Like going to a big building has anything to do with you as a person.
014.Sex: Sex is beautiful. It is not to be rushed, it is not to be done under pressure. Those engaging in sex should know of the consequences. They should know of the forms of birth control. If all those apply I see nothing wrong with pre-marital sex. What I do disagree wtih is the way some (mostly catholic) schools teach sex. They teach only abstinence and view forms of birth control sinful. That's bull, teens should be told the only way to be 100% safe from pregnancy or STDs is to practice abstinence but they should also be informed of the methods of birth control and be told about STDs and AIDs. Religion has nothing to do with sex. ( I sound like a grandma!)
015.Low-Carb Craze/Atkins Diet: It's better than bullemia and anorexia! I think it's good people are starting to watch what they eat.
016.Same-Sex Marriages: I'm all for it. Gays have rights too. Love isn't restricted. My best friends brother is gay (he's like my own brother) and him and his partner have been together for 10 years! if that isn't love I dont know what is. I know the one thing that would make both of them ecstatic would be to be able to get married (even though they practically already are). I think this illegal same sex marriage stuff is just another way for the government to controls us.
What is/are your favorite
017.Band/Singer?(list at least 7) Counting Crows, Oasis, Bright Eyes, Death Cab for Cutie, Bob Dylan, Brand New, Nirvana, Hellogoodbye, The Starting Line, The Postal Service
018.Soda/Pop? I can only drink diet occasionally cos regular is much too sweet for me. I perfer water! but uhm..Sprite Zero is yummy
019.Color? black, silver, and blue
020.Book? The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mocking Bird, and anything written by Meg Chabot (aka Jenny Carroll) except those princess diary books..*shivers*
021.Movie? Gladiator, White Noise, Now and Then, Cruel Intentions, Sixth Sense, Coyote Ugly, and of course..Napoleon Dynamite
Other Stuff
022.What turns you on? tight pants:-) IF the body is right..and humor
023.Off? blonde haired blued eyed guys...oh and disgusting eating habits
024.Your greatest achievement? overcoming my depression and suidide attempts
025.What is your biggest fault? I talk to much and I can be bossy.
026.If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? And who would you spend it with? First off, I'd lost my virginity. I'd eat like crazy. Then I'd go streaking, then I'd go gather up all my closest friends and go running through the HUGE fountain at Paramount Kings Island naked with a Nixon mask. I would want to spend my last seconds on earth with my closest friends.
027.A magical guy grants you one wish; what is it(And no, i wish for a million more wishes; or anything like that)? I would ban hate and animosity
028. Has no question! Tell us what happend to it! (Be Creative.) Question 28 ran off with Question 41 and they eloped and had a baby called Question -1.
029.What do you do in your spare time?(video games,sports; tell us which ones or something else about what you do) Well today is my first day of summer so what an appropriate question cos I need to be thinking about what I'm going to do with all my spare time.. Well I have to work alot at kings island so I can save up for a car. I would love to learn how to play the drums if I had the time. I love surfing the net for these wonderful communities. I love listening to music. I love dancing in the rain. I love playing indoor/outdoor soccer all year around and rugby in the spring. I love being naked and alone in my house. I love taking my dog, Rocky Sprite Chance, outside and playing whiffle ball with him. I love reading. I love writing novels and short stories on my computer. I love going to the Contemporary Arts Center downtown. I love going to the Museum of Natural History and the Art Museum. I love sewing. I love watching prime time TV.
030.How are you feeling right now? sad because I'm listening to "As We Go On" by Vitamin C and I know I won't see alot of people from my school for the rest of my life becuase alot of them are seniors and 90% of my friends at school are Seniors next year(I'll be a junior). I'm also nervous about my graduation and I'm thinking about my 8th grade graduation and how I only see like three people from that school.
031.What are you wearing? my grey soffe shorts and a red spaghetti strap tank( I just woke up from my nap )
032.Are you listening to anything; and what? "As We Go On" by Vitamin C, it's on repeat.
Choose One!
033.Pen or Pencil? Pencil, I hate permanent things.
034.Day or Night? Night, it's more romantic:-)
035.Dogs or Cats? dogs!! Big furry dogs like Huskies and German Shepards. They make me feel secure. Cats hate me.
036.Rain or Shine? Rain. It rejuvenatates me.
037.T.V or Computer? computer!! I'm addicted to AIM
038.Swimming or Skiing/Snowboarding? Skiing and Snowboarding cos I'm afraid of heights but I love to challange myelf and when I get to the bottom of the hill I just feel so..incredible. Like now I can do anything.
039.Make us laugh: I saw this pin once that said "Easy there Mr. Testerone, you can easily be replaced with a zuchini." Also go here
http://albinoblacksheep.com/flash/piepiepie.php One More..!
040.So tell us why you think you're worthy: I'm worthy cos well..you don't have a reason to hate me.C'mon you know you don't.. Also, I have a banana in my pants. OH yes and one more reason..I took all that time and effort *sad face* I'm worthy alright.
[Place YOUR Picture here]-This is mandatory.
I couldn't choose just one so I have a couple..
Mirror Image:
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/ya_momma/meeeeeeeee.jpg[/IMG] We're at Prom..I'm in the middle..the short one..
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/ya_momma/prom.jpg[/IMG] This is me and my neice Taylor:
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/ya_momma/meandtay.jpg[/IMG] Well if you read all that you're my hero!