Title: These Palms Are Cupped Like Shovels
niededFandom; Pairing(s): Torchwood; Ianto-centric, colors of Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Lisa
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: Am in no way affiliated with RTD and BBC
Spoilers: Mostly Cyberwoman and Exit Wound. The story isn’t directly related to the episodes, however.
Word Count: 8,800
Author’s Notes: AU
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I actually intended that to be a plot device to get Ianto and Gwen alone on a mission where Ianto has to risk himself to die, but I really couldn't just let that sit there. As I wrote the Coda -- when I actually understood what to write -- that moment where Jack says, "Kiss of life, remember?" just happened. Unplanned. And after I wrote it, I had to sit back and think about the consequences of that and the implications, and it really, really broke my heart.
People in the Whoniverse who know Jack, I think, want to know why he wants to die. Beyond putting himself on the line in order to save others, he just puts himself in some really dumb situations (electrocuting himself in Utopia? I mean, really). But we also learned from that episode that he doesn't necessarily want to die. So this kind of went to answer my own questions, and I know it probably doesn't work like that, but anything in the TW/DW universe has the potential to be AU or canonically possible, SO: I can do whatever I want! Ha, RTD!
it's really always about acceptance and forgiveness with Torchwood, isn't it?
Yes, yes it is. Part of it is, "Look! We're saving the world today!" and the other part is, "Bad things happen to good people, but that shouldn't keep us from, well, saving the world!" Ianto is a prime example of this. Talk about the little engine that could. Torchwood is the sexier version of the Energizer Bunny.
Anyway, that was quite a ramble!
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