Feb 03, 2007 16:38
I just got loads of e-mails from colleges and universities. Most of which I have never heard of, but some look sort of good. It is all quite confusing, stupid college selection process. Of course, once you pick a college and a major then you actually have to go to school and pay for it (which will be horrid, I'm sure).
The Brainbusters second round is coming up on the 8th, we're going up against Carlisle. And then the Life Smarts competition is in the Forum on the 27th, and I get to miss an entire day of school for it, which is awesome. And chances are I'll be the team captain (I'm the only one with competition experience)!
My allergies are showing up again, although I'm not sure what I could be allergic to. It's the middle of winter, what is there to be allergic to, snow?