Hey all, for those that don't know me my name is Apoc and im a Dark Knight on Midgardsormr, been playing for a year now ever since NA release. Anyway finally got round to writing in this thing, i don't really like the look of my LJ can't seem to find a style and color scheme i like.
Hit 58 tonight with Kiyra, Sintra and Evangelion, two nights in a row i've ptd with these guys and they kick ass. Made about 12k tonight then Kiyra and Sintra went to go help one of their friends with DRK testemony so PT split. I didn't really care because i was so freaking tired by that point (jeez i'm turning into a faggot).
Anyway before the PT i spent like most of the day in Jeuno shouting my ass off like a newb for help with my stupid fucking Davoi and Oztroja keys, and i didn't get one lousy tell. I'm such a fucking gimp right now 58 with no Chaos Cuirass or Flanchard, and no fucking Vassago's, i need the money from Demonslicer and Ryl. Knight's chainmail to pay for my Vassago's so its one fucked up vicious circle of retardedness, sucks not having any friends. Ah well i guess i'll just keep shouting like a deranged noob and pray some high level feels sorry for me.
Anyway its real late and i'm going to bed, might try get 59 tommorrow since i don't have nothing better to do, peace.