Well we've almost been out of school for a week and I've done like nothing... It's been pretty boring. Spent like everday with either alison or my mom. not that thats bad though :) i'm excited for christmas though. tomorrows christmas eve so that means lots of food! looking forward to that.. so last night ali spent the night, i ate like half a pizza and we watched White Chicks & part of that one movie.. napolen dynomite or however you spell it. we went to bed pretty early, then i woke up today and made muffins but ali wouldn't try them. then lauren my neighbor came over. haven't seen her in awhile so it was fun to hang out with her all day. then we got chinese and had to walk up there in like all the snow and in our pjs.. i must saw we all looked pretty hot. well actually lauren was all ready & looking cute, me and ali were the scrubs :) so we came back to my house and ate.. then ali left and i spent the rest of the day with lauren. then i had to go over my grandma & gramps. it was alright, i watched kidagarden cop with my brother there.. i love that movie. then we left there at like 10. so that was my day... anyways you know what has really bugged me latly is how much people have changed. i dont know i guess i should just shut up but it seems like i have no friends anymore which i guess is alright, i still have my bestest friend Alison so thats all that matters! :)
I love this puppy :)
*Fluffy & Scruffy* :)