Mar 13, 2006 21:32
Name: Peter Idontthinkyouneedtoknowanymorethanthat
Age: 14
Location: Reppin' MD
Gender: d00d
Favorite bands/singers: Broken Social Scene, Mastodon, Pavement, Explosions in the Sky, Mogwai, Death Cab, New Pornographers, Harry and the Potters
Best show you’ve ever been to&why: I've only been to two real shows... so Subways at the 9:30 I guess. When the guitarist climbed up on the amps & PK-vaulted onto the balcony. Graah.
One CD that you can’t live without [no more, no less]: Blackwater Park, Opeth
Do you play any instruments? If so, which one[s]? Drums, embryonic piano.
Are you in a band? If so, any link[s] to your music? Three, no links as of now.
Name ten songs for the soundtrack of your life: (in no particular ordeR) Blood & Thunder-Mastodon, Almost Crimes-BSS, I'm 9 Today-Mum, 0078h-M83, Polar Opposites-Modest Mouse, Without MSG I Am Nothing-mclusky, Destroy Everything You Touch, Ladytron, Tribulations-LCD Soundsystem, Greet Death, Explosions in the Sky, Mike Portnoy Drum Solo-Dream Theater
Favorite movies: Gallipolli, Star Wars, LOTR, Monty Pythons,
Favorite actor or actress: err... eh?
The last movie you watched: can't remember
Do you go to the movies often? once/twice a month
Favorite books: HIS DARK MATERIALS!! Plot Against America, Ender series & paralells, and of course, Harry Potters.
Favorite author: Phillip Pullman, Orson Scott Card
Favorite children’s book: Definitely Goodnight Moon.
Do you write yourself? Whenever I can.
Hobbies: drumming, games, MURRSICS, writing, reading, 'rithmetic
How'd you get into indie music and movies? Questionable fucking Content.
How’d you find us? ...nurr can't remember
If you had duct tape, a tree, allergy medicine and a penny, how would you save the world from a giant-monster-like-thing trying to eat it? dump the meds in its eye, bikini-wax it with the tape, beat it with the tree, and... err... eat the penny.
Fill in the blank: Tomorrow is __________. probably going to be just like today.
Do you ever get told that you look like someone famous? too ugly
One thing about anything that you wish you could change: ...too fucking shy...
What are your opinions on politics? there is nothing I like discussing more than politics, save religion. ... I AM KIDDING I HATE TALKING ABOUT BOTH OF THESE THINGS
Make us laugh: ...uh, let's see here, funny... So the King of All Cosmos walks into a bar with a rabbi, a penguin, and Jude Law. They all get drunk. Then they get into a bar fight. The King smites the rabbi and Jude Law gets into a coma for 12 years. Ha!
Pictures [this is optional, we just kind of want to make sure you're not some really creepy old guy]:Haha, yeah right.