Aug 10, 2008 21:44
Keeping with my traditional birthday post every year... =P
I like birthdays. I like having my cell phone inbox full at the start of the morning, along with my Facebook wall filled with greetings. It's my special day! *confetti!* Nyahahah. Since my birthday this year falls on the unfortunate day wherein you see the people you love the least, Sunday, they decided to surprise me the day before. =P
Buns, Kits, Jodes, Char, Vinci, and Rach gave me a surprise birthday dinner at HEAT, complete with my own banana cream pie and balloons. =D Thank you, dears. =) Spent the start of my birthday with them as well, downing a couple of beers with my favorite Enderun drinking bud, Jodes.
Couldn't wake up earlier than 10am today, which is bad since I had plans to go boxing and go to the spa before heading off to my birthday mass. Anyway...went to mass, then to Serendra for lunch. Mamou was full, much to my disappointment. Had to settle for Abe (horrible service and ambiance, sub-par food, oh...and my molar got chipped - long story) instead. Picked up an NY cheesecake from Miss Desserts! Yuh-UM! =D
From the first to the last:
Lance, Buns, Kits, Jodes, Char, Vinci, Rach, Nickie, Yas, Bea, Koi, Kimkim, Jang, Ail, Chard, Chef M, Derek, Mikoy, Tina, Pola, Nicky, Bill, Marwin, Pauie, PiaB, Ed, Chingpats, Reg, Kwinsi, Kathy, Mel, James, Jal, Osbert, Migs, Carol, Kash, May, Carlos, Kevin, Eli, King, Tyn, Jang, Menchu, Leen, Sir Dave, David, Bianx, Kathy, Kimchi, Essa, Marwin, Jey-Aiy, Karen, John, Nona, Clang, Lili, Tash, Cams, Mon, MM, Bertie, Jina, Jess, Welo, Ryan, PiaL
Thank you. =)
So I'm 23 years old, none the wiser nor richer...I'd love the say that it was an extraordinary day, but as you get older, it really just feels like yet another day. =P Birthday party? Wait for it...I'm tying it up with my despedida. =P
I love Russell Brand. <3 Heeeheeem