gahh, i don't know where to start...we have 2 full days left before school starts.. where did summer go? lol i don't feel like i've done anything...although i think this year is gonna be good/easy
here's my schedule =)
1st semester*
- us & va history
- biology 2
- cosmetology =)
2nd semester*
- english 11
- algebra 2
- cosmetology
yay, cept i have english with mrs. gilmer...AHHH =( *
this week has been very
WEdNESdAY * we got our schedules changed...* went to nicks...blah the
tHURSdAY * all i remember is i went to britts then nick came up was fun ;)
fRidAY * umm can't remember, but hell yea it was
SAtURdAY * uhh, me & britt went shoppin again...i bought a webcam..& britt bought nick a shirt but he wouldn't take it..anybody want it? lol it's cute.. smile then i came home..& watched the andy milonakis show..talked and stuff..woot
SUNdAY * (that's the day, it all went down ;) - went out to get gas in britts car, bought some energy drinks....went to britts waited for nick to get home...about 6 went to nicks...ummmmmm i got to meet gray...and got to know him a little more than i expected okay A LOT more than i expected...;)
-chewy, micheal hicks, & pudgy were also there..but i didn't get to talk to jk ..haha -went back to britts, i spent the night..we took 347 pictures with my we'll post some one day lol...
t0dAY * boring day....* britt & nick are fightin...she's gonna beat the shit out of him..naww i's just shittin we are sittin here at my house...BORED AS HELL as nathaniel always says..=) i love that boy..
kay, good enough i hope...if not fuck ya' jk ..( lol if your wonderin thats from the andy milonakis show..=).. )
[Edit*] (( WARNiNG!!..there are a lot..teehee ))
0.o haha
MiKE j0NES =)
-haha that's my hand =)
she looks so pretty*
-now us bein silly , ya'll knew it was comin ;)