Eu vi as capas e achei que a americana era BEM mais bonita (e isso é realmente espantoso porque eu tenho uma séria tendência a gostar mais da inglesa - coisa que sempre aconteceu, aliás).
Entretanto, eu encontrei o Role, que amou a capa britânica e ficou falando sobre isso comigo. Matutei bastante sobre o assunto e assim que cheguei em casa fui olhar as capas novamente.
Sério. Eu realmente achei a americana MUITO mais bonita.
(Nada contra você, Role. xD)
Capa americana Capa britânica
Capa britânica (infantil) Arthur Levine, the US Potter editor, spoke this morning on the TODAY show about the American cover:
"We're seeing Harry in a very interesting situation. Readers will find out exactly what the situation is.
"When I was reading it, I had both the excitement and the power of the book, and the plot, driving me forward. But I was also feeling a little sad. It's the last time."
When Levine admitted he "sobbed and sobbed" while reading Deathly Hallows, he was asked the following:
"That means someone we like dies, doesn't it?"
"Well, it means it is a very, very emotional book," he responded.
Eu quero. ó_ò