Feb 09, 2011 15:01

Hai frenz!

I suppose I should begin where my last entry left off. Since my last trip to Paris I've mainly done a whole lotta nothin'. I went out once to the new Magazine Club. Jeremy is a resident DJ there (lol) and he put me on the VIP list so I was all kk. It made me feel really old because most of the patrons were teens and the place doesn't even open until midnight, my wknd bedtime usually. I stayed for a couple hours mainly just lol'ing at the French pplz dancing. It was nice to get out at least.

Um I went out another time with my new friend Taylor. She's American(from Milwaukee, which I just spelled right on the first try) and a total Deadhead hippie chick. She has dreads and wears hippie skirts! She's super nice, obvs quite accepting and friendly. I fell in love w/ her when she told me this story about how she got stranded in Courtrai, Belgium because the trains stopped running and she had to get a ride back to Lille at 4am from a middle-aged man on some insanely broad paper route. I just love when ppl trust freaks.

Anyway, we went vintage shopping and I bought a summery dress inspired by my current obsession with Mad Men, which has rekindled* my love for the 1960s. Srsly a wonderful decade.

Uh where was I? Oh yes shopping. Lol who cares?

As y'all should know, I just celebrated FEBSEVELEV! I feted the occasion by visiting Teri, her husband Eric and their beauts 6m/o Helena in Vicenza, Italy. I hadn't seen Teri since Aug 2007! It's always so refreshing to see an old friend over here. Hanging out with Teri was the same as it always was, not that I expected differently. Lots of LOLing and all around "getting it". A wonderful feeling. We had SO MUCH FUN reminding each other of hilarious memories and catching each other up on current events. And I was ecstatic to meet Eric and Helena! Eric and I became fast friends. We bonded over the things that always bring me and my friends' bfs together: sci-fi and video games. He's a thoughtful, devoted husband and Teri and Eric have a dynamite family!

We didn't do much, which is what I like in a vacay, even if it is to a new city. Whatevs to tourism, amirite? We did go to Venice on Sunday. It's a beautiful city. I love all the ornate buildings jutting nobly out of the grand canal. Of course I thought of Chipmunk Adventure when the girls drop a diamond doll off in one of those striped poles the purpose of which I am unawares. We also ate at the Hard Rock Cafe, splitting the Jumbo Combo appetizer which was essentially USA on a plate. Potato skins, chicken wings, spinach spring roll thangs and onion rings. The bleu cheese dressing on the side was the best.

On Feb Sev, Teri, Helena and I had a GDO , wandering around Vicenza. We just walked a lot, stopping for pastries, cappuccini, pizza and gelato every few steps. Yumyum! We had pizza, wine and a homemade lasagna from their landlady for dinner while we watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It reminded me of my 20th bday party, the theme of which was similar but we had KU pizza and watched Spiderman back then. ^_^ No wine either, it rly was like a little boy's bday party.

Anyway, I got moniez and a nice card from my parents, an int'l subscription to NatGeo from Tangle (yay!) and a plethora of FB greetings. I think my favorite posts are those from ppl who I know don't care about me. I just want to say "Rly?" to them. I suppose we shouldn't be FB friends, but lurkinggggg! Ack off topic! On FebSev morning, as soon as Eric realized it was my bday, he stood facing their extensive library and said "Now we've got to get you a present!". A moment later that kind soul handed me his well-worn copy of Watchmen, which had been the book I chose to lull myself to sleep the night before. So nice of him! And Teri gave(lent?) me The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon, a so far beauts book about cousins that write and publish a comic book in the 1940s. Not a bad haul. On top of all that, Tang's Christmas package arrived last week(sweet punctuality) which included Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, incidentally the latest addition to my MustRead list. I've been dying for some good reading lately, now I'm overwhelmed. Yay!

Tang's package also consisted of an OK! magazine(with Sharpie'd commentary), some Trader Joe's chocolate(imported from Belgium, which is 5 miles from here lol), 5 pairs of USED underwear from her MOM which I have indeed been wearing, a DivaCup which I haven't had the pleasure(lol) of using yet and fruit snacks. Loverly!

Oh I also got another rare taste of America by hitting up the Commissary on Base! It was a real American grocery store and I got so excited about shopping there. It was no Kroger or Randall's, but still fun to see old familiar products. I wanted to buy EVERYTHING, but I just picked up some essentials that Helena requested like Wheat Thins, bulk peanut butter, cake mixes and frosting, unsweetened baking chocolate etc etc. I packed very lightly b/c I knew I was gonna go nuts at the store. Twas a wondrous thing too b/c my bag was bursting at the seams once I got everything in it. UNFORTCH, the fools at the airport considered the creams(not liquids!) in factory-sealed containers to be contraband and made ME throw them in the garbage. I stood there for 5 minutes panicking trying to think of a way to conserve the 2 kilos of food but it was too late. Tears welled up in my eyes as I dropped a huge jar of peanut butter, 3 tubs of frosting and marshmallow creme into the garbage can. Such a terrible waste! I understand that regulations are there for a reason but it really ruined my day having to trash perfectly good nourishment. The only silver lining is that my bag was a more manageable weight. -_-

Btw, on my flight to Verona, the girl sitting next to me got very scared en route. She even grasped my hand as I tried to distract her with a conversational melange of English, French and Italian. Although terrified, she lived to land in Verona and buy me a cappuccino at the airport. We've exchanged info and might hang out next time she is in Belgium visiting her bf she met online. Lol.

The flight back wasn't so eventful, although I was getting nervous because I had made plans to see my Parisian comic book artist boyf Yacine that night. In fact, I planned to stay in Paris that night because we were gonna hang out.

So, I had my phone turned off while in Italy b/c out of France it costs 10 cents just to receive a text msg. As soon as we landed in Paris I turned my phone on and got 2 texts from Yacine about hanging out. We made plans to meet an hour later in front of the Opera. Kk. Well I had to take a shuttle into the city, which took almost 2 hours, much longer than I expected as this was my first time flying into that particular airport. I kept him updated on my whereabouts and it was obvs out of my hands, but he texted me just before I got to the Opera saying "Ok I've been waiting for 45 minutes now I am getting angry". I replied telling him I had arrived and he responded "Check into a hotel I'll meet you at midnight" Lolol wut?? He got fed up and ditched me. What an asshole, amirite? I told him that I was just going to take a bed in a hostel and he didn't respond. I was so annoyed and felt foolish for making plans with him in the first place, although I was not really surprised. It was nearly 10 at this point, so I walked to a hostel I know near the train station. I was feeling tired and lonely so I settled at a table in the lobby among lots of teenagers playing Magic the Gathering to read and write. As I sat down, the guy sitting nearby saw my books and commented "You like to read." I nodded and smiled, then sat with my back to him and started to vent into my journal about how much better old friends are than strangers. As I finished the entry, feeling purged of negativity, I turned sideways in my chair and struck up a conversation with him. And that's how I met my new Parisian boyf (Although he's not Parisian, he's Brazilian and was only visiting). Just when I was losing faith in the universe, I was reminded that life finds a way.

While Paulo and I were hanging out, Yacine invited me to meet him, but I told him I had already taken a bed at a hostel since he ditched me and that I was sorry it didn't work out. His response has kept me LOLing all day:

Y: Just forget my name, the whole thing. For ever. Dont reach me again.
Me: Obviously.
Y: Told you not to reach me!! Fucking waste of my time waiting for you in the wind. Go to hell
 Lol irl right now. Calm down.

Paulo and I hung out super late 'n' shit then met in the lobby for breakfast the next morning. After I regaled him with the details of the Brazil episode of  "The Simpsons" over croissants and coffee, we strolled around Montmartre, talked a lot about death and I learned some Portuguese. Good times. (a la Jerri Blank)

In summation, this year's FebSev celebration didn't end up being as different from last year's as I foresaw what with this hostel boyfriend and all. Ha.

Now I'm back at home in Tourcoing and looking forward to sleeping in my local bed tonight. My family bday party is gonna be Sunday. We're having a big American brunch per my request. I just miss Waffle House.

Nate 'n' eLiz's baby, AB, wasn't born on FebSev. :( Instead of being bff, now I will resent her for not choosing to be born on the greatest day of the year. What a fool.

*I might get a Kindle. Is that dumb since I am poor?
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