Aw man my weave is falling out.

Dec 10, 2010 15:28


This week has been bugggggy.

I rcv'd some awful news Monday and have been kind of a wreck since then. My dearest, oldest friend attempted suicide...again. There's not really anything to say about it but it's really frustrating to be so far away and unable to help. I haven't even had time to call her this week! That sounds like a lame excuse but really with the time change there are only a few hours in the day when it's feasible and I'm available whatevs who cares?

So there's that.

Tuesday was the day of the big hair show for my salon here. I went Tues afternoon so they could add the beauts blue to my hair, but some idiot girl apprentice mixed the color and mistakenly made the dye brown. Boo hiss. So now my hair looks classy instead of awesome. Except Anne Sophie(my hairdresser) thought some purple weave would do the trick. So it looks a little awesome.

The hair show was fun. They didn't serve any alcohol and didn't serve the hors d'oeuvres until 2 hours into the show. I sat alone most of the time, but eventually was included by the hairdressers whom I've come to know. I mean, I've been at the salon 4 times in the past 3 weeks for hours at a time, they should be my friends. I love Anne-Sophie. She's really sweet and everyone calls her Anne-So for short and I love it.

There's another hairdresser who I really love. I haven't caught her name yet, but she's loud and funny and always says "Hello!" to me with a British accent. She kinda scares me; like she's the kind of girl who can be an awful bitch, but she's always nice to me. She made the most effort to include me at the show. At one point, she found a flat iron that was missing the cord (ripped off somehow? idk idk) and she started mock-using it and dancing around saying "I'm wireless! I'm wireless", like that's what you would do if you had some magically cordless flatiron.

I was amused and laughed really hard and realized I don't guffaw here nearly as much as I did in the US. Mostly the mirth takes over when Max is around. We have so much fun being silly. He likes to make terribly inappropriate teenaged jokes and I sincerely cannot keep the snickers inside me. He spends half the month at Marc's and I rly miss him when he's gone.

That's an indication that I rly don't have many friends here. I've got the chance, but I've srsly been busy and more grateful to relax and stay up late reading on the wknds than going out.

Plus it's been freezing. It snowed all last week and it was slippery and freezing temperatures and the canal behind our house is frozen and I much prefer to stay inside in these conditions.

Last weekend Licia got baptised! Anglican...but I was her godmother anyway! He godfather is an old family friend of Helena's who is a super cool guy. He's abso insane, but someone I really enjoyed getting to know. He lived for years in Poland working with trade unions and now runs the Solidarity Center project in Tbilisi, Georgia. So it was from Georgia that he traveled just for Licia's baptism. Helena had work to do and the kids were at school when he arrived, so we spent a lot of time together. I think he should write a book about his life. Lol I'm obsessed with him...

So her baptism was fun. Marc and Max came and joined us here at the apt afterward for a little lunch party. Marc was impressively civil and both him and Helena did a good job of getting along for one afternoon. Things are so complicated between them, I was very glad they were able to get along.

It all gets muddled by money, which really is the root of all evil. Mo' money mo' problems is SO true. That's smthg I've really grown to love about Europe, at least what I've observed in France. People are just getting by here. They aren't well paid and every survives paycheck to paycheck, but there's no reason to stress because your basic needs are taken care of by the gov't. Everyone in the US is struggling to survive too, just in their own debt and it's really disgusting. There's way less debt so all the money you make here goes towards the extras. Being poor is perfectly fine with me, I've rather enjoyed it all these years. At this point, the only thing that's ruining my financial situation is outstanding medical debt. So there's my personal argument for socialized medicine.

In other socialist/communist news, here's a hilarious Tumblr.

Now where was I?

I went to Paris a couple weeks ago with my friend Brendan just for a quick day trip down to see Phosphorescent play a show. They're a band that has released a record on Leo's label and he contacted them and got me into the show for free under the pretext of documenting the experience. I attempted to get backstage, but the venue was too big for me to find them and I ended up just having to enjoy the show without meeting them. All was fine.

I've been so stressed this week. Next week the kids have their exams so I'm going to be very busy helping them study. I just want it to be Christmas vacay.

Except thinking about Christmas stresses me out too! I'm planning to send nearly 40 Christmas cards out and I haven't even bought them yet. Ugh. And I have to come up with gifts for people. This goes back to the money thing. I really hate that I have to have money to show my peoples that I care about them. If I didn't have to pay this $500 lab bill I'd be able to go nutz for the holidaze! Buggy.

I at least got one thing checked off my to do list. Today I gave a presentation in my French class about Tennessee! I think it went well...everyone seemed to understand what I was trying to tell them about my state and they were eager to listen to Roy Acuff sing Tennessee Waltz. ^_^

Eek I've run out of free time before I gtg get Licia. I'm so busy. But rly I am!

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