I miss being a teenager!

Oct 15, 2010 15:13

Y'all srsly.

Max(who is 15 now, jsyk) has like 5 friends over tonight. They're drinking vodka cranberries and smoking cigarettes! I'm jeal b/c obvs they're having a lot of fun just hanging out, listening to music, gettin' a li'l tipsy and that's the best! It's making me miss my friends and being a teenager.

BUT lolololol they were all just in his room with the door shut and I heard the familiar ppppffffffttttt of a Whip-it cartridge and it caught my attn. I couldn't help but laugh and then laugh even harder when I realized what song they were listening to...Creed. Higher. Lol irl! French kids.

Being a teenager in France is weird b/c no one has a car. I guess they just all hang out at each others houses all night and don't really go anywhere. I mean, we never went anywhere, but we at least drove around. I should really contrast Dr Truck's teen years with Max's b/c they are already wildly different.

It's 10pm and I was invited to go out tonight by the only friend I still have in Lille, but Idk if I feel like it. What am I talking about? It's so dumb for me to sit at home tonight when I have the chance to go out! If I keep stayin' in I'm going to stop getting invites. I'll go out soon. The only problem is I've gotta meet him and his friends at this hilariously cliche discotheque/club called Supermarket and I'm too self conscious to dance in France. Not they they're better than in the States, but I'm so out of my comfort zone here, I just don't have the confidence. Also lol Supermarket. I've been there before and it's super loud and big and def not the kind of place I would hang out given the choice. When in Rome I guess...

I've got more to update about, but I'll do that later. I wish these teens would just want me to hang out w/ them b/c then I could stay in and have fun and have a good excuse not to go out.

Omg I'm such a loser.
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