try to peek into these articles i've managed to scan so as to i can share with you all these rather #??!@!@!@@#@! (dnt want to describe them anymore.) facts i have read early this morning. i do not intend to lecture about these issues for i myself, honestly, am not fully knowledgeable about these issues. but common sense would tell us, in the clear leading of our capability to read, that this is all stupid and a colorful and yet lame sarswela well played by the administration and America. World Bank granted (or so to speak, pushed) $300,000 (around Php 16,800,000) for their fight against corruption (duh!) That is aside the $1,009,000 (Php 56,504,000) we had earlier this year. they raised our taxes and now they have Php 48.806 B. my average mind cannot comprehend why will there be a need to borrow such amount when there is enough fund, if not now - in the future, as secured by the raise in taxes. and darn allocated for corruption - a moral perversion, a human capacity and slave greed control responsibility. the nest day that the bill for the 10% added tax was signed, it ran in the newspaper how happy the WB is for this "improvement" of Philippines and because of this according to them, they will be willing to lend more. but ofcourse, we got more milk to feed them! a history class explained me how powerful these white people are that they were able to tie us in their strings until now, that is through our debts. we do what they ask or this pitiful 3rd world country would not have a grace fromt their grants. and just where did this bring us?
God bless this country. and may its men bless her as well. may our angels not give up on us.