i've never had a dream come true...till the day that i met you.

Jan 20, 2005 11:24

So naturally, I saw Jana's journal and because I've been lacking creative value I told her that I wanted her layout, and well, you can look _angels_fuck. I guess she turned hers blue, haha, see nazihalex. Emuheart. For lyke,reeeaaal yo. :P

and trains, yesyesyes...cannot forget them trains.

yes, Hi Aaron...I think you need to be cut off of them waffles, hmmm, yes. xP

I don't think I've stayed up till seven am, in such a long time...interesting, veryveryvery.

Hi my name is...NICKI and, see my name tag
And I want to kill myself sometimes.
I also get hit by trains because everyone always tells me
"Go for the light".

Woooooooooooooow. Four hours of sleep is going to killlll me.

I think I'm done.

Oh, I'll end this with..

Here comes a difficult week. This is exactly what you need. Saturn's antagonistic link to Pluto has been building up for some while. So too, has a big drama. A turning point has to be passed. No great change can come until you deal properly with the issue that has lately been proving difficult. As you tackle it this week, remember that no outcome can possibly be perfect in every way. Make the best of a stressful situation. At first, it is bound to feel as if you have failed. In fact, though, you are about to do something truly brilliant with long-lasting immensely positive consequences.

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