Okay lamahs. If you want to stay on my elite friends list, you have to have sex with me. Or you could just comment. Sex preferred.
For the record:
The following will remain awesome (on friend's list) because of comments or because of their true radness:
shibby_chic (even though you're not using the account, it stays)
xtearsthatfallxxxfallenstarAnd since I depend on Meagan for sex...
perfecthorror Now, any of the above can remove me, obviously, but if you don't, I'm not planning on removing you.
The following will be removed for inactivity or for other reasons. Until I see a comment, anyone under this statement will be taken off. If you don't plan to respond, please take me off of your list:
angelicpink_dangerzone911 hlfchcknhlfsqrl And finally, I kindly ask that the following remove me from their friend's list:
house_of_osirismycateatsprepsx I think that about covers it.