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Jun 14, 2004 17:38

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Total Commenters: 28
Total Comments: 1248
Report generated 6/14/2004 5:37:06 PM by scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.1

Today was pretty cool. Woke up early, cleaned, went to the therapist, saw a cute guy. XD Ahahaha <3 I was waiting to go to speak with my doctor when I looked at this person sitting in a chair near the door. It was like, "*looks* Oh mon dieu! *looks again*" He was tall and clad in black clothing. And he had long hair which was totally hot. When he was about to leave with his mom, she was like, "I have to wash this candy off of my hands!" and we both laughed. Then I decided to talk: "I like your hair *annoying cutesy giggle/smile*" and he was like, "Thanks. *awesomely sexy smile*". We most definitely had a moment right thurr. *hardcore dances* When I looked at the list of patients who signed in, I scanned for his name. I believe that it's Ben. My mom had to ask if he was male or female. She then said he was cute. Anyway, I'm in love. If you're out there, 'Ben', I want your sex. That is all.
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