I couldn't go all today without this entry. I meant to make it after work and before church but I ran out of time. I hope all had a decent 9-11 today/yesterday depending on when you readthis and what not. I remember exactly where I was and how I felt. The thoughts rush through me every year. The worry I felt for this friend, who sadly I am no longer friends with. The scared feeling about what this would mean. Thinking the end was here. It was awful and I feel for everyone directly affected. I commend all the people that were there helping get people out of the wreckage. My heart goes out to those that lost someone that fateful day. I pray you are getting on with your life as well as is expected. I was going to make a little graphic myself but found the one above and thought it was too beautiful not to use. Then I found this one
A real wall graffiti'd that way. So beautiful. God bless you all. *hugs*
**side note**
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