things that piss me off.........

Sep 03, 2005 17:54

really bored right now, so i picked a topic at random, so i'm going to write about things that piss me off.

1) people who are all nice to your face and act like your friend, but the second they get the chance they complain about you and diss you behind your back like your the worst thing in the word. i know everyone doesn't have to like you, but don't pretend you do if you don't. it just shows how imature that person is.

2) People who try to presay people minds about other people just because they don't like them. Come on if they are your friends thry wouldn't try to get you to stop hanging out with someone just because they don't like them especialy if its a stupid pitty reason. Your friend will also tell you why they think you shouldn't be hanging out with them. Like if there a bad infulence then i totatly understand, but for a reason is just that they find them annoying is just really stupid. your not foresing them to hang out with them so why should it matter.

3) People who think they know everything, and act like a total smartass. there is no way you can know everything at all, it's not possiable. it is possiable to know more in different areas then everyone else, which i think is a good thing, because it would be really boring if everyone knew all the same stuff.

4) being leachered....people who do this, treat you like your dumb and you don't know anything. it really pisses me off, i just want them to stop talking, it's just a waste of time, ecpecially scince its all the same stuff i already know.

5)being treated like i'm a kid...once you hit a certan age you should be let to make your own mistakes so you learn from them, if you don't you'll always be just a kid.
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