Jan 24, 2005 18:44
i don't get why people get so mad over the stupidest things seriously there is more important things then getting in a big arguement about some guy/girl don't get all bent out of shape when someone breaks up with you when you only went out with them for not even a month or get mad at someone for asking if you have a girlfriend people put to much stress on who is dating who or who likes who its not a big deal i don't get why people can just get along and if you don't like someone just drop it and stop making a big deal its really not we are in high school of course there will be problems but don't over exaggerate people are just to self centered and don't care if they blow up one someone or make that person's high school life miserable everyone has their own problems without others making it worse and don't go around to people and try to get pitty points unless they are your friend and you can trust them not to blab well see thats my problem anyone i confide in likes to spill the beans im not going to name anybody cuz i hate it when people write my name in here but people don't understand that when you say things people take it out of control and end up screaming at you in the middle of the cafertia about something you never heard of its like playing the game telephone when you go around the circle by the time it gets to the end the message is all screwed up and i hear it or when you tell someone about a problem you are having and you thought they would give you advice but they just bring it up in school then everybody has to know whats going on so again everybody wants to be liked including me but unlike me most of the time they tell so they will like them which is dumb you shouldn't care what people think of you they don't control your life unless you let them i just want people to mind their own business and deal with there own problems before getting into mine im a big girl i can handle it. I think i can get through 3 1/2 years of school i have got this far i honestly don't think it can get any worse i mean i have called pregnet, a slut, a goody, a *itch, and god knows what else and i have had bad luck with guys i mean everything starts out good i guess i just attract the guys that you shouldn't get involved with but i guess i haven't learned yet cuz i still am going after them lol o well
there is one thing i want to fix with anybody if anyone is mad at me and i know there is a few please leave a comment you don't have to say your name or anything just say what your mad at and ill try my best to make it up to you the one thing i hate is when people are mad at me thats the only thing i can usually think about untill it is all taken care of of like a year passes so please leave a comment on IM me at aphottie25 PLEASE!!!