Sep 11, 2007 14:07
I want to say something, something throughtful and with meaning. Something that will make someone stop for a moment and go, "That's right.." or "I think I understand.."
But, I can't think of anything like that. I can only think of the guilt and shame I've held over the years.. the regret that I wasn't there to do anything about it. I wasn't there to stop them from leaving.
I woke up crying this morning at exactly 1.32.. and again a few hours later. I cried the whole time I got dressed to the time I got to work.. and then I cried some more.
I hold too much emotion. I hold too much feeling with no way to release it. It makes it worse that today is also a day for an American tragedy.. and I also cry for those who died.
I am merely a spec on the globe. A mere dot and nothing more to the millions of people in this world. I know that there are many people out there who understand how I feel.. on a day that is now shared with the world over.
I miss my brother.. and I hope he still watching us.