(no subject)

Jul 06, 2006 11:52

Today I went to the newspaper to see if I can get any experience in before school starts back, so it looks like there's some possibilities there.. and later today I'm off to the nursing home to see about volunteer work.

I've done an amazing job of wasting my time this summer... I don't believe I've had more than 3 deep complex thoughts the entire time. I"m going to have a mental collapse when school starts back. Damn college applications, I can feel the stress beginning to grow now...
Going to the the beach in 3 weeks!! ;)

We all think we know ourselves because we know what we think, we know our motives, our emotions. but we're sometimes amazed that other people can have a hugely different idea of who we are. Why? They only know us by actions. something to think about ... lol

You can always change your personal philosophy to fit whatever it is you want to do. Beliefs and personal standards are easily disregarded when you can justify your actions due to a new perspective. And why not change your personal philosophy to do whatever you want? I'd say religion is the main reason.. if you have religion that is. and if not.. what do you base your morals and standards on? society probably, or the intensity of pain inflicted on other people. Anyway, I suppose what I'm getting at is the question: if you don't have a religion or some sort of belief in a higher power and universal moral law, what eventually becomes of your personal philosophy? it can be changed and expanded to endless measures, depending on your experiences and desires. Do you think that's good or bad? Your personal philosohy encompases ideals of equality, human right, moral laws, religious leanings, possession, success, learning, experiencing, etc. Not to say that believing and following a religion restricts you from that, in fact it may do the same except with provided moral and social laws on which to build- however with religion, a meaning to life is "given". while without a religion, a meaning to life is "made". if that makes sense.
I don't think I had a point in saying all that, for those of you that read it.

Alright, time to go get a hair cut, eat lunch with mom, roam around the library, and then swim or play tennis.

please leave some comments, I'd like to hear what everyone's been up to- or any thoughts on anything written.
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