Nov 05, 2004 17:23
I now have my liscense , huzzah! (Court, of course I'll come pick you up sometime and we can hang out :-) ) Now it's just waiting for insurance stuff for my car. . .I'm already afraid how how much all of this is going to cost me, but oh well. Yay.
In other news. . .I <3 high school drama. . .no, acually not at all. I miss hanging out with my old friends. Anthony, remember how me, you, Duke, Jac, Brennan, Cristy, Jasso and others used to hang out all the time? I miss those days, I miss those people. They were so much NICER then a lot of the people I know now. Hell, I miss Heather, we used to be really close. . .and Holly, and Leah, and Britt and Em, and Melissa, and everyone that I hardly ever talk to now. It's my fault entirely too, I won't deny it. And don't get me wrong, in general, I love everyone I hang out with and talk to now too
And it's NOT that I see certain people as accquaintences and not friends, as some assholes like to tell people (yay rumors!). It's that sometimes I don't like the drama that goes on, or the drinking, or whatever. I hate drinking, I hate smoking, and I think it's absolutely ridiculous that so many people do it, but that's just my opinion. I can barely count the people I know that don't drink or smoke on two hands. It doesn't make me think any less of them, I just think it's crazy. THAT'S why I sometimes chose not to go places where that stuff will go on. Whether or not Nick does the same isn't my choice, and if he wants to go hang out at these places, all the more power to him!
I know some people are bitter because Nick and I hang out so much. . .well, hmm. . .get the fuck over it. It's not as if I tie him to a stake and torture him until he agrees to hang out with me. If he didn't want to, he wouldn't, so it isn't just me.
I know not everyone thinks that way, or is mad at me, but I'm pretty sure there are a handful who are. . .so. . .yeah. . .those who are, I'm sorry, get over it.
I'm going now though. . .