Jun 16, 2005 15:39
Our first play was today. It was hilarious.
But kind of hilarious.
Also, Kelly, this 8 year old girl was being a complete pain because she didn't want to wear the costume, so she's like BAWLING. And then she doesn't go on stage, so we send another girl to do her part. Kelly starts crying even more. And she's got one of those mothers. The kind that think their child is perfect and it's everyone elses fault. She comes backstage and gets realllyy mad at Ms. Kelly(the director of the entire program..or coordinator or something..) and then Ms. Kelly yells at Anne(the girl who filled in for Kelly) and then at Laura who told Anne to go out. And kept telling Laura she wasn't the director. (I'm almost positive that the directors had the same sentiment) So DIE Kelly.