Surprisingly, this year's Valentione's Day event wasn't as shitty as last year's; It was actually quite good! they gave out these REALLY bitchin' prizes if you do what the moogle wants you to do!
As a reward we're given the option to pick out these awesome heart-shaped wands( If you're with a male partner, they'll have their names engraved on it, yuh!!), or a choice of getting signing crystals! They may be some-what useless, but in all honesty, it's the sentimental value that really counts, wouldn't you say so?
The next day!
Arbenzio and I decided to buy two inferno crystals from the moogle after we did it a second time and synth us some shiny engagement rings! Sure it wasn't some fancy-schmancy diamond ring, but it's the sentimental value that counts, damnit! >:O
I think we're going to try synthing love chocolates next week. And then after that, get my Whitemage to 40! :3 ( It really feels nice being a newbie again; Not having to worry about HNM Drama 'n stuff. We'll get to that soon enough. ;D )