Mar 26, 2006 19:35
you've already won me over. (:
so life is hectic, but good. i need to try really hard this week to get caught up with everything in school. i have THREE tests to make up. all for one class. cause i'm a lazy bitch. gah. but i have fun so who cares.
my mom has a heart murmur(sp?). she has to go get an ultra sound of her heart sometime soon. something about a valve not working properly. that scares me more than i can put into words. pray for her.
right now i have bronchitis and pharyngitis. let me tell you... that's a whole lotta fun. coughing stuff up and shit. mhmmm. i have 3 more days of medicine then i'm supposed to magically feel better. i'm supposed to go back to the doctor in a week but i'm not gonna. i dont have time for that.
spring break was better than i thought it would be but still sucked a little because of the sickness and all.
there was something else new, but i forgot. oh.. and guys are worthless. well, besides the obvious. HA. jk.. of course.
peace. be easy. fuckers.
oh wait, i remembered now. moms going out of town for easter and a week this summer. so it's def going down at my house. MELISSA AND MIRANDA. prepare yourself ho..hoe...i dunno..s. (: