Winter Guard competition today. Fuck. We are totally going to get last place, although, we totally deserve something waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better. Our guard is not bad, the judges just, for some reason, hate Fusion. It pisses me the fuck off. Gr. I'm not use to coming in last. I'm really hope that god will be on our side and help us get something better than last. Hmmph, we'll see.
If you want to come see us we perform at 6:24 and it's at Troy Athens High School.
Come watch me do my solo!
Wish us luck! We're going to need it.
I'm trying to be positive, but we have to score at least a 55 to get some place decent according to everyone elses last scores, but that means that we might have to score even higher. AHHH!!! If you don't know anyting about scores last year Friction(the guard I was on) at our first competition got a 43 and Fusion got a 40. So yah. I'm really scared. I really envy all the guards that do good and that the judges like. MCGC kind of seems like, even if you have a good guard and you work your butts off, if they don't "get" your show or "like" it then you do bad. They should score more on your ability, I think. But whatever. ARGH! Okay, I'm done complaining. I just have to wait and see what happens.
On a happy note, Mark come over last night. *smiles* I fucking love my boyfriend!
The new Used CD is very good! Thank you to Heather for giving it to me =D
I have to go get ready.
I love you!
I'm out.