
Jun 30, 2006 22:28


last night/this morning i saw superman retunrs with kristen, justin & derek(aka friends from work) and it was goood. i feel asleep with my eyes open however.
then. um. slept. not really though.
today...i got a bagel slicer. and it made my life. and then i got my report card..and then i went to work
and as i am driving there, a omwan decideds to back out of her driveway...into my car as i driving by. lovely. so now, it is dented in on the passaenger side right before the tire so near the hood. flipping a.
then worked. but i wasnt focused.
but some lady told me she think im really fast at ringing. she said when she comes in(which of course is all the time)that she is amazed at my speed & focusness. so i was happy.
and then the boat people came. lets not talk about that.
then i went to panera to see becca
and now here i am


i have a lot on my mind right now. so if i cant focus on you, give me a few seconds.

and kate had her operation today so do whatever you do and hope she is ok :)

and im working 3-close tomorrow so please god visit me.
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