So. First semester will be over in about exactly two weeks. Thank God. Or Buddha, whatever. :) I'm so excited. I have tons of exciting plans for this Christmas break. And I have yet to purchase my loved ones presents. So this is for my use, excuse this guys.
(oh and btw, this list is only for the pricey gifts. i'm still making or buying people some things as well. but these are my main priorities.)
Must buy presents for:
Andre babe.
Joyce (w/ Patrick)
Patrick (w/ Joyce)
Baby Sister
[Make/get stuff for Dom and Ivan as well]
Alright, I need to remember this list.
I changed up my hair.
about a week ago.. blond and kind of long, yeah very long.
This weekend. Quite long you cant even see it all. And it has burgendy/purple tint instead of blond.
NOW! taken today. It has no split ends and it's the same color form the weekend, but it looks pretty good. I was hella trippin' at first, but I got over it. :) My hair grows mighty fast so NOTHING to worry about.
Peace and love :)