Feb 12, 2007 14:38

Posey's Normal Form

Subject: Posey
Overkill Form: The Pain
Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral
Avatar: Robot Dog
Weapon(s) of choice: Robot Dog/Purple Pimp Cane/Claw-Hammer
Background: Posey, a criminally insane illustrator/inventor, had been on the run from the cops for months, and his journeys took him to a Goodwill where he bought a dusty old green jacket. However, Posey soon learned that this jacket had some sort of strange spell on it which enabled him to literally become anything he envisioned. Utilizing his idea of a perfect human being, his Overkill Form, Posey has entered the Super Smash Tournament in hopes of using the prize money to get a shower and finally disappear for good.
How to play: Posey is another strange character with a straightforward playing style, but a very unusual method of attacking. Unlike the rest of the characters, his B attacks, with the exception of Robot Gauntlet, actually have a shorter range than his A attacks. Fortunately, most of his B attacks are quick and powerful, punishing opponents that get a little TOO close. His Robot Gauntlet move should be abused liberally, because not only does it have very long range, it's actually a quicker way to get across an arena than walking or sprinting. Also, Rrrrr should be used a lot. Similar to Briana's Flash attack, this will temporarily stun enemies facing Posey, leaving them open to attack. His Overkill Form special attack is quite unique in that it can basically hit all enemies on the screen. The toxic gas is undodgeable, but in turn does little damage on an individual basis. It's a good move to use when most of the opponents are at a high damage threshold, because it does have a knockback effect. In the meantime, just stick to the first two special attacks.

MoveButton CombinationInfoPimp SlapBSlap the enemy harshlyRocket DogUp + BRobot dog transforms temporarily into a jetpackRobot GuantletLeft/Right + BRobot dog transforms temporarily into a rocket-powered gloveRrrrrrDown + BMake a horrifying facial expressionOMGRAPEZJust what it sounds likeParty V&Left, Down, Down/Left + BSummon the 4chan Party Van to run over enemies (Requires one AC meter)Za WarudoUp, Down, Up + B + ACrush enemies with a summoned steamroller (Requires two AC meters)Skull & BonesLeft, Left/Down, Down, Down/Right, Right + BFlood the arena with noxious gas (Requires three AC meters and Overkill Form)

Posey's Overkill Form - The Pain
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