it's gross, it's disgusting, but i'll do it; you don't even have to watch!

May 21, 2006 20:41

I like being flat. I think it’s hot. I never have to wear a bra.  When I was 13, I really wanted a boob job because all my friends started to have boobs and I was the only one who looked like a boy.  -p. hilton, courtesy of thesuperficial

ah, thank the lord for paris (& nicole).

making smart purchases drastically enhances the quality of life.  for me at least.  it sounds stupid and materialistic, but successful shopping does wonders for my mood and productivity.  after work i picked up some sunglasses and cropped pants from anthro.  it was pouring on the way there and sophie and i had to prance our way through a minute long monsoon.  its funny to observe how  people react to different types of weather; rain in particular.  most people ran for cover, but the select few walked sort of swiftly and toughed it out.  maybe people like that feel  that having an attitude in the rain goes hand in hand with the edginess they strive towards embodying in mundane everyday tasks.  its strange to me how in all of the village no one was out enjoying the momentary rain storm.  no children were puddle jumping and very few people were laughing at all.

today i read in "soul & body" that breathing rhythmically with one hand over your heart and the other on your lower abdomen while sitting in a chair helps ease stress.  it said to visualize yourself as being firmly planted on the ground, your feet anchoring your body's core to the center of the universe.  i tried it after reading the article and its actually kind of amazing.

this week i want to see "just my luck" even though i know it's going to be stupid.  sometimes movies like that put me instantly in a better mood.  i'd also like to watch shawshank redemption since i've never seen it.  apparently it's everyone's favorite movie, but i never feel like watching anything intense when i have the chance.    caitlin and i desperately need to get together for an afternoon of planning.  i need to buy my train pass and book hotels for paris and milan and decide if i actually want to go to florence or cinque terra while i'm there.

jake is coming home today.  i'm happy that everyone is back.  this year has forced me to confront all of the personal problems i ignored when i was too busy to really take time and examine everything about myself closely.  i can't tell if that's good or damaging.  i guess now i'm just trying to piece back together everything that has gone horribly horribly wrong.  the transition from spring to summer makes everything  fifty percent more hopeful.

edit: the man that i met in the minneapolis airport's need to maintain tabs on me three months after a single conversation is deeply disturbing.  he makes me want to buy a poloroid camera more than anything else.  i'm going to purchase one before i leave for italy if i do nothing else.

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