(no subject)

Jan 26, 2008 01:33

Okay...so myspace has taken over the world and livejournal has been abandond. I'm tired of myspace and I'm so bored. It's 1:30 and I have to get up at 7 but I can't sleep at all. So what better to do than write in a journal huh? Its weird how much fun this use to be. I think I updated everyday if not twise a day and talk about everything that happened during the day. Back when I had time to even remember what I did. Things have changed so drastically in my life.
--I have a wounderful boyfriend, its like we're married by now. We've been together for over a year. And its a real relationship, nothing like I use to write about. =) He's joined the navy and leaves in less than a month tho...I'm really dreading it. I see him pretty much everyday, I'm going to miss him so much its unbelievable.
Its weird how my life use to revolve around being sure I had plans Friday Sarurday and Sunday...Now I lik spending those nights home if at all possible. I'm always on the go.
..I do miss my friends greatly tho. Everyone sayd you lose friends in college...but i'm just a jounior and I don't feel as close to my friends anymore. Which I regret. Whats important to you changes as you get older I guess.
*Work pretty much keeps me on my feet 24-7.
-I get up and go to school mon through fri...work 3 out of 5 of those evenings. See Jon any day that I'm off. Then work Sat mornings and see Jon after work. Work sun mornings come home do homework and chores then see Jon again. (My time is completly focused on him until he leaves)
&--Well I wouldn't say my life is interesting at all. But I'm quite satisfied with it. Considering I have to get up in about 6 hours, I'm goin to try to go to bed.
[[[-I'll try to get another update in in the next year-.-

;;;;;;;and My birthday is Thursday [17;;;;

For old times sake

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