Aug 30, 2004 18:23
Tomorrow starts 11th grade, heck yes! I cannot wait, it's going to be so awesome because me and christine are pimps, the end. Man i remember the first day of 9th grade, i was so freakin' scared/lame good charlotte for lyfe. But, i made friends with Christine and Vinny that year, and well here we all are now bfffffl hahhaah. I can't remember the 1st day of 10th grade, probably because 10th grade was really stupid, thankgod it's over. Can't wait to torture Mrs. Williams!
Looking back on my summer, i realized it wasn't too exciting, i did a lot of little stuff that was fun, but no big adventures anywhere. I did see my loves Hanson though, which was probably the highlight of my summer because that weekend was just freakin' hilarious. I hung out with Christine a lot and did some memorable things that no one will ever understand the meanings of them coz we're retarded ♥
Last night we didn't go to the show because we're too fuckin' cool for it, and didn't feel like paying stupid $10 to stand in room full of Delaware kid's sweat. Hahaha we still had fun though by ourselves.