Jul 26, 2008 23:08
I just got back from teaching a band camp. I know for sure I def. learned alot student teaching! The camp was alright but I noticed/discovered I teach alot differently then the director. Which made things hard. I constantly found myself frustraited with how things were being done. The kids just played with such horrible sounds and he liked "the sound" I worked my ass off with the flutes and clarinets and they def thanked me for it afterwards. Its always nice to hear that especically from the students.tin
I dont have a job =(sadly things at Godwin didnt work out, but considering I had a not so great feeling about it Im alright with the outcome. I interviewed in Austin TX!!! on wednesday I'll know by wednesday this week if i got the job or not...Im keeping my fingers crossed, I really want that job now. A few more schools opened here, i applied and Im just waiting on a call for an interview...Im starting to stress about a job...I dont want to not have one, but at the same time Im just going to just take a job just to have a job. Id write more bc I have alot on my mind currently but I messed up my hand and it kindahurts perhaps later...
band camp