Jan 02, 2008 08:20
First of all, this journal is for women who have a genuine interest in women's rights and commitment to sisterhood. Discussion has always been a vital part of the development of the women's movement. If you disagree with something published here, please don't hesitate to say so unless your opinions fall under the banned comments section. If you do want to engage me in a discussion about something I have posted on my journal, please treat me with respect. You have every right to disagree, you have every right to tell me how and why, but you do not have the right to insult your own intelligence by attempting to insult mine. I am not easily offended and I will merely have a good laugh at your inanity before deleting your comment. So, don't be stupid if you actually want your comment to be published.
Banned Comments
In the future all comments that are:
...or otherwise woman-hating
will not be tolerated on this journal and will be automatically deleted.
I love to have good discussions with other women who do not always agree with me. But I will not allow comments that are insulting, woman-hating or potentially silencing of women.