i know this hurts, it was meant to

Dec 22, 2005 00:14

wow today was one crazy day

so first off i found out about christina
i'm still kinda in shock about it
i don't even want to believe it
i mean, i'm not going to lie, we weren't best friends by any means
but i still always thought she was really nice
and respected her because she wasn't afraid to be who she really was even though other people might have made fun of her for it
from what i know she had a really hard life
and she definitley didn't deserve this
and i can't even imagine what the family is going through
ugh i wish i just would have talked to her more
she really was a really nice girl
i'm hopin to go to the funeral
i'm sure it will sink in more when i go there
ugh.. wow..

i'm sick of people always dying around me
so far it's not been anyone i was really close to
just aquaintances i talked to a few times or friends of friends that i talked to
i'm really afraid that it's gonna be someone close next
and the thought of it really freaks me out

ugh okay happy thoughts time

other than the news about christina things are going suprisingly well
break has been fun
monday i saw pride and prejudice with the lovely sarah culberson
i loooved to movie
kiera knightley is a babe

yesterday i had dance
then went home and had to babysit
then i went shopping w/ my mom
media play had a lot of cds really cheap
so i got hanson, spice girls, and pat benatar
and at best buy i got nsync, new kids on the block, and melissa etheridge
i blared hanson the whole way home
my mom laughed her butt off at me
cause i'm so cute/weeeeird

today bradley picked me up
and we ran errands/shopped for his mom
then went back to his house
wrapped presents and watched some tv show and old school
then we went to target to get stuff for his bro and brijette was coming to get me so we took our time
she ended up waiting at my house for a while
so then we left and went to the movies w/ her, her brother aaron, and her friends derek and rachael and some boys rachael knew
we were too late to see the movie we were gonna see
so we picked king kong, but had to wait before it started
so we walked to the dollar store and got candy adn pop cause we're ghetto
the movie was pretty sweet
can't go wrong with gorillas and dinosaurs and large buildings
i had a swell time
it pretty much ended up being a crazy night.. but i'm not gonna complain

tommorow is sopposed to be equally busy
but i'm not goin to jinx it w/ writing plans on here
and friday i'm going to try to go to the funeral
ugh long week
i need to start doing some h/w soon
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