well hurricane wilma fall break 05 is coming to a close. its been a
lottt of fun. ive been bike riding, had a bonfire, seen movies, went
shopping, hung out and it was fab. and im so not doing homework. at
least we only have two days of school and one of them is tie dye friday.
i hate the fact that it gets dark way early. it totally makes me want to go to sleep at 6pm.
um this is me as barbie onhalloween. kaite had some fun with photoshop
but i like it. and its NOT SKANKY. barbie is a role model.
emily was quailman and it was the finest bestest costume ive ever seen im my entire life.
everyone should odwnload motownphilly by boyz 2 men. there are no words for the greatness of this song.
ewwwww school. i love vacation and friends.you just cant go wrong