Oct 05, 2005 00:19
Talk about a time you overcame serious self-doubt.
I don't do self-doubt. This would require me to actually think about the consequences of my actions or some crap like that. Which, of course, I don't do. What's the point? You can't change what's already happened, and you can't control the future. If I doubted myself, I wouldn't be able to...
Okay, so maybe my powers are sort of a thing with self-doubt. If I didn't think I could do the things I can do, I wouldn't be able to. Or is that more along the lines of self-fulfilling prophecy? I mean, if someone doesn't think they can do something, they never try, right? Therefore they never can do whatever it is they think they can't do.
I had to do something once. Copy someone's fingerprints so I could help a friend of mine. I was so convinced I couldn't do it. And believe me, I was trying. Long story. Anyway. Finally it got to the point where I was more panicked than I was convinced I couldn't do it, and yeah, you guessed it, that's when it happened.
I don't know if that really qualifies as serious self-doubt? But man, let me tell you, I was pretty relieved that I didn't have to watch someone die just because I couldn't do something right.
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