TM Prompt: Brushes with the mysterious

Sep 02, 2005 23:53

Have you ever experienced something you couldn’t explain? Write down your brushes with the mysterious.


I'm sorry. Let me start over with this response.


Huh. That didn't work so well, either.

So, let me see. Experienced anything I couldn't explain. Hang on a sec while I do a quick inventory of the past several years my lifetime.

Shhh. I'm thinking.

Unexplained, you ask? Brushes with the mysterious, you say. Still thinking.

Okay, well. There was the time when ... No, wait. We explained that one. But of course there was that other time when the thing with the... nope, explained that one, too. Maybe the one with the skin and the exploding... damn. Nope, that one was solved, too.

There was the time when the six-breasted woman... hang on, that was a dream I had last week.

Still thinking. Quit interrupting me. Okay. So Where was I? Oh, right. Unexplained, mysterious things. This is really tough.

Wait... wait... The answer is coming to me...

Ahh. Here it is. The answer is...

Nope. Really. Honest.

tm prompts

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