Feb 22, 2004 22:19
Ok so nvm. I actually wrote the subject to this. then IMd someone. Then she argued with me about god knows what. So now im more annoyed then sad. Krista is a weak slut! yes! The original problem is still kinda getting me down but really at least she's happy with the other guy. No one to talk to right now.
A salty bead of sweat drips from his brow. In the next couple of minutes his life will be decided. He squeezes his hands together with fingers entwined. He's starting to squeeze to hard and winces at the pain in his fingers. Everything about this situation is wrong. The ominously cold and stagnate air that reeks of wood and suits. The solemn faces that glare furiously at him with a glint of pity in their eyes. He knows what they think of them. If they only knew what he had in store for everyone. Yeah, they would be singing a different tune. He shifts his sight from face to face. Each connection of sight more significantly nerve racking than the last. SLAM! The gavel drops. He's reminded of a guillotine slicing down. Ending fate. Cause fate is such a whore. He contemplates if fate really is a street corner slut that is just in it for the ride. Using.Abusing.Never ending in a smile. Will this end in a smile? He hopes so, but deep down he knows he likes this thrill. Juries verdict is in and now it will all be decided. A hush billows over the crowd. His neck tenses up as if trying to keep the blood from leaving his brain. Everyone just stares. Nothing more. The judges lips move like war in slow motion. So gracefully, and so disastrous. How will it end? Will he end? Does he care...