Sep 26, 2004 23:32
this weekend was fucking bomb even tho i didnt see someone, but its a good thing I didnt, cuz uhm it is, anyways, friday niiight uuuuhm we hung out with uhm Louis and Cameron, and then we hung out with David and theeeen we hung out with Sean from Lompoc and his friend James but it was really just kinda chilln wit Sean cuz James like was asleep and thennnn we hung out with Mike at 4am til 6ish or something and it was fun, he brought julie a flower that he picked hahahaa, then Saturday night, we went to the Northridge mall and thennnn we went n got Jues brother and drove him home, and thennn Justin picked me n jue up at her house in his fucking hott as fucking truck, then we went to Starbucks and saw Surge n his friends er something, then we went to like every movie place made but we got there to late so went to the Janss and I saw Grahmm and then we went to Dennys and Mike and Dustin met up with us, and I ran into Elias and I love him, and I saw this guy Ryan I havent seen in forever, but Mike has a lil fighting problem so I was like uhm no ass beating kthxxx, and then uuuuhm we left there and Mike and Dustin went n got Jesse Puckett, and me and Jue and Justin went to gravity hill, thennnn we met up with Justins friend Mike, and then Mike and Jesse and Dustin met up with us again and Mike almost gizzed himself cuz of Mikes truck, and then we all went to Haunted hill and those fuckers (jesse and Mike) scared me like864561869 times, and I cried, fuck I almost pee'd my pants they scared me so bad. sooo then we took Jesse and Mike and Dustin back to their car, and we like told jokes in the parking lot OH N I ALMOST FORGOT, sooo uhm when we were leaving the hill Jesse ran buck ass naked down the st hahaha anyways, so we told jokes n then they left n we got back hurr round 330 it was fun we had fun, fun fun fun...
the end.